Multi-user access is not available in desktop edition.
Multi-user access is not available in desktop edition.
桌面版不支持多用戶訪問。 -
There are duplicates in this view
There are duplicates in this view
有重複項目 -
Goods Receipts
Goods Receipts
貨品入庫 -
Inventory Location
Inventory Location
庫存位置 -
Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs Budget)
Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs Budget)
損益表(實際 vs 預算) -
Inventory Locations
Inventory Locations
庫存地點 -
Group by
Group by
群組 -
Order by
Order by
排序 -
哪裡 -
First day of week
First day of week
週期開始日 -
Groups to collapse
Groups to collapse
要折疊的群組 -
Fixed assets, at cost
Fixed assets, at cost
固定資產,成本價 -
Intangible assets, at cost
Intangible assets, at cost
無形資產,原價 -
Custom depreciation expense account
Custom depreciation expense account
自訂折舊費用帳戶 -
Custom amortization expense account
Custom amortization expense account
自訂攤銷費用帳戶 -
Production stage
Production stage
生產階段 -
處理了 -
Partial payment
Partial payment
部分付款 -
Based on entered production orders, at least one inventory item needs to have production stage elevated.
Based on entered production orders, at least one inventory item needs to have production stage elevated.
根據輸入的生產訂單,至少有一個庫存項目需要提升其生產階段。 -
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