07 May from 3:38am to 3:39am
Yongjhen, Hong changed 2 translations in Chinese, Taiwan on Diaspora. Hide changes
  1. 加聯絡人在%{count}個社交面中
    zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0


    otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else


    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
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  2. 加聯絡人到%{count}個社交面中
    zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0


    otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else


    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
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  1. 選社交面在<%= count %>個社交面中
    zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0


    otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else

    <%= count %>個社交面中

    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
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  2. 選社交面到<%= count %>個社交面中
    zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0


    otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else

    <%= count %>個社交面中

    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
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07 May from 3:38am to 3:39am