- user, n. translated to Nutzer: Voted up.
- NSFW, acronym translated to NSFW (unpassend für den Arbeitsplatz): Voted up.
- pod, n translated to pod: Voted up.
- Sign in, v. translated to Anmelden: Voted up.
- Sign out, v. translated to Abmelden: Voted up.
- Sign up, v. translated to Registrieren: Voted up.
- tag, v. translated to Schlagwort: Voted down.
- tag, n. translated to Schlagwort: Voted down.
- tag, n. translated to Tag: Voted down.
- tag, n. translated to tag: Voted up.
- you, pronoun translated to Sie: Voted up.
- you, pronoun translated to du: Voted up.
- hide, v. translated to ausblenden: Voted up.
- like, v. translated to mag ich: Voted up.
- password, n translated to password: Voted up.
- pod, n translated to Pod: Voted down.
- unlock, v. translated to freischalten: Voted up.
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