

  1. <%= file %>完成了
    <%= file %>完成了
    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <%= file %> 完成了
    <%= file %> 完成了
    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
    Copy to clipboard
  3. 檔案 <%= file %> 完成了
    檔案 <%= file %> 完成了
    changed by Yongjhen, Hong .
    Copy to clipboard
  4. <%= file %> kaset da benn
    <%= file %> kaset da benn

    <%= file %> kaset da benn

    changed by Fulup .
    Copy to clipboard
  5. <%= file %> kaset da benn
    <%= file %> kaset da benn

    <%= file %> kaset da benn

    changed by Fulup .
    Copy to clipboard