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Your diaspora* account has been flagged for removal due to inactivity
Your diaspora* account has been flagged for removal due to inactivity
سيتم ازالة حسابك بسبب كونه غير نشط -
Hello, It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven’t used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we’d like to remove unwanted accounts from our database. We’d love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and you’re welcome to keep your account live if you want to. If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you’ll like the improvements we’ve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love. Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you’ve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page. Hoping to see you again, The diaspora* email robot!
It looks as though you no longer want your account at %{pod_url}, as you haven’t used it for %{after_days} days. To ensure our active users get the best performance from this diaspora* pod, we’d like to remove unwanted accounts from our database.
We’d love you to stay part of diaspora*’s community, and you’re welcome to keep your account live if you want to.
If you want to keep your account live, all you need to do is to sign in to your account before %{remove_after}. When you sign in, take a moment to have a look around diaspora*. It has changed a lot since you last looked in, and we think you’ll like the improvements we’ve made. Follow some #tags to find content you love.
Sign in here: %{login_url}. If you’ve forgotten your sign-in details, you can ask for a reminder on that page.
Hoping to see you again,
The diaspora* email robot!مرحبا،
بعد انقطاعك %{after_days} يوم عن حسابك في %{pod_url} ، نرى انك لا تريد استخدامه. لذا ومن أجل ضمان أحسن أداء للمستخدمين النشطاء سنقوم بحذف كل الحسابات غير المرغوب فيها.
نتمنى أن تبقى جزءا من مجتمعنا، وندعوك لابقاء حسابك حي ان اردت.
لابقاء حسابك حي ما عليك سوى الولوج الى حسابك قبل %{remove_after} . بعد ولوجك ألق نظرة على التغييرات والتحسينات التي طرأت على دياسبورا أثناء غيابك. تابع بعض الوسوم لتجد المحتوى الذي تحب.
لج من هنا %{login_url} اذا نسيت معلومات حسابك أطلب تذكيرا من الصفحة.
نتمنى رأيتك مجددا،
البريد الالكترونى اﻵلى لدياسبرا*. -
You have reached the end of the stream.
You have reached the end of the stream.
لقد وصلت إلى نهاية التيار. -
There are no posts yet.
There are no posts yet.
بدون مشاركات حاليا -
You are not currently ignoring any other user
You are not currently ignoring any other user
انت لا تتجاهل أي شخص -
1 person tagged with %{tag} No one tagged with %{tag} %{count} people tagged with %{tag} ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0No one tagged with %{tag}
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 11 person tagged with %{tag}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} people tagged with %{tag}
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0لا أشخاص بوسم %{tag}
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1شخص واحد بوسم %{tag}
twoThis plural form is used for numbers like: 2شخصان بوسم %{tag}
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 100 in 3..10 %{count} أشهاص بوسم %{tag}
manyThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 100 in 11..99 %{count} شخصًا بوسم %{tag}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else %{count} شخص بوسم %{tag}
Hide and mute conversation
Hide and mute conversation
اخف المحادثة وأكتمها -
Conversation successfully deleted
Conversation successfully deleted
حُذفت المحادثة بنجاح -
Conversation successfully hidden
Conversation successfully hidden
أُخفيت المحادثة بنجاح -
There’s a new private message in diaspora* for you to check out.
There’s a new private message in diaspora* for you to check out.
يك رسالة خاصة في دياسبورا، تحقق منها. -
There’s a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out.
There’s a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out.
إحصائيّات -
r – Reshare the current post
r – Reshare the current post
r - أعد مشاركة التدوينة الحاليّة -
m – Expand the current post
m – Expand the current post
m - وسّع التدوينة الحاليّة -
o – Open the first link in the current post
o – Open the first link in the current post
o - افتح أوّل وصلة في التدوينة الحاليّة -
Your personal data is ready for download, %{name}
Your personal data is ready for download, %{name}
بياناتك الشخصيّة جاهزة للتنزيل يا %{name} -
Hello %{name}, Your data has been processed and is ready for download by following [this link](%{url}). Cheers, The diaspora* email robot!
Hello %{name},
Your data has been processed and is ready for download by following [this link](%{url}).
The diaspora* email robot!مرحبًا %{name} ،
بياناتك قد عولجت وجاهزة للتنزيل باتباع [هذه الوصلة]( %{url} ).
مع أطيب التحيّات،
آلة دياسبورا للبريد الإلكترونيّ! -
We’re sorry, there was an issue with your data, %{name}
We’re sorry, there was an issue with your data, %{name}
آسفون، حدثت مشكلة مع بياناتك يا %{name}