Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.
Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.
Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.
Dvoufaktorové ověřování je účinný způsob, jak zajistit, abyste se ke svému účtu mohli přihlásit pouze vy. Při přihlašování zadáte spolu s heslem šestimístný kód, kterým prokážete svou totožnost. Buďte však opatrní: pokud ztratíte telefon a kódy pro obnovení vytvořené při aktivaci této funkce, přístup k vašemu účtu diaspora* bude navždy zablokován.
Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.
Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.
Two-factor authentication is a powerful way to ensure you are the only one able to sign in to your account. When signing in, you will enter a 6-digit code along with your password to prove your identity. Be careful though: if you lose your phone and the recovery codes created when you activate this feature, access to your diaspora* account will be blocked forever.
Dvoufaktorové ověřování je účinný způsob, jak zajistit, abyste se ke svému účtu mohli přihlásit pouze vy. Při přihlašování zadáte spolu s heslem šestimístný kód, kterým prokážete svou totožnost. Buďte však opatrní: pokud ztratíte telefon a kódy pro obnovení vytvořené při aktivaci této funkce, přístup k vašemu účtu diaspora* bude navždy zablokován.Dvoufaktorové ověřování je účinný způsob, jak zajistit, abyste se ke svému účtu mohli přihlásit pouze vy. Při přihlašování zadáte spolu s heslem šestimístný kód, kterým prokážete svou totožnost. Buďte však opatrní: pokud ztratíte telefon a kódy pro obnovení vytvořené při aktivaci této funkce, přístup k vašemu účtu diaspora* bude navždy zablokován.
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