

  1. Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod's database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.
    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod's database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.

    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod's database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.

    changed via the API .
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  2. Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod's database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.
    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod's database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.

    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod's database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Když začneš sdílet s někým na jiném podu, všechny příspěvky, které s ní(m) sdílíš a kopie dat na tvém profilu jsou uchovávány (kešovány) na jejím/jeho podu a přísupné administrátorovi tohoto podu. Když smažeš příspěvek nebo data z profilu, jsou smazány z tvého podu a z kterýchkoli dalších podů, kde byly v minulosti uchovávány.
    Když začneš sdílet s někým na jiném podu, všechny příspěvky, které s (m) sdílíš a kopie dat na tvém profilu jsou uchovávány (kešovány) na jejím/jeho podu a přísupné administrátorovi tohoto podu. Když smažeš příspěvek nebo data z profilu, jsou smazány z tvého podu a z kterýchkoli dalších podů, kde byly v minulosti uchovávány.
    changed by Mirek2 .
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  4. Když začnete sdílet s někým na jiném podu, všechny příspěvky, které s ní(m) sdílíte a kopie dat na vašem profilu jsou uchovávány (kešovány) na jejím/jeho podu a přísupné administrátorovi tohoto podu. Když smažete příspěvek nebo data z profilu, jsou smazány z vašeho podu a z kterýchkoli dalších podů, kde byly v minulosti uchovávány.
    Když začnete sdílet s někým na jiném podu, všechny příspěvky, které s (m) sdílíte a kopie dat na vašem profilu jsou uchovávány (kešovány) na jejím/jeho podu a přísupné administrátorovi tohoto podu. Když smažete příspěvek nebo data z profilu, jsou smazány z vašeho podu a z kterýchkoli dalších podů, kde byly v minulosti uchovávány.
    changed by Mirek2 .
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  5. Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.
    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.

    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pods database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and any other pods where it had previously been stored.

    changed via the API .
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  6. Když začnete sdílet s někým na jiném podu, všechny příspěvky, které s ní(m) sdílíte a kopie dat na vašem profilu jsou uchovávány (kešovány) na jejím/jeho podu a přísupné administrátorovi tohoto podu. Když smažete příspěvek nebo data z profilu, jsou smazány z vašeho podu a z kterýchkoli dalších podů, kde byly v minulosti uchovávány.
    Když začnete sdílet s někým na jiném podu, všechny příspěvky, které s (m) sdílíte a kopie dat na vašem profilu jsou uchovávány (kešovány) na jejím/jeho podu a přísupné administrátorovi tohoto podu. Když smažete příspěvek nebo data z profilu, jsou smazány z vašeho podu a z kterýchkoli dalších podů, kde byly v minulosti uchovávány.
    changed via the API .
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  7. Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.
    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.

    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pods database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.

    changed via the API .
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  8. Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.
    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.

    Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pods database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  9. Když začnete sdílet s někým na jiném podu, všechny příspěvky, které s ní/m sdílíte a kopie dat na vašem profilu jsou uchovávány (kešovány) na jejím/jeho podu a přísupné administrátorovi tohoto podu. Když smažete příspěvek nebo data z profilu, jsou smazány z vašeho podu a z kterýchkoli dalších podů, kde byly v minulosti uchovávány. Obrázky nikdy nejsou uchovány na jiném podu, než na vašem vlastním; na jiné pody jsou k nim posílány pouze odkazy.
    Když začnete sdílet s někým na jiném podu, všechny příspěvky, které s /m sdílíte a kopie dat na vašem profilu jsou uchovávány (kešovány) na jejím/jeho podu a přísupné administrátorovi tohoto podu. Když smažete příspěvek nebo data z profilu, jsou smazány z vašeho podu a z kterýchkoli dalších podů, kde byly v minulosti uchovávány. Obrázky nikdy nejsou uchovány na jiném podu, než na vašem vlastním; na jiné pody jsou k nim posílány pouze odkazy.
    changed by Aditoo .
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