oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1
There is still one pod that hasn't been checked at all.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else
There are still <%= count %> pods that haven't been checked at all.
There is still one pod that hasn't been checked at all.
There are still <%= count %> pods that haven't been checked at all.
Queda unha instancia sen comprobar.
Quedan <%= count %> instancias que aínda non se comprobaron.
There is still one pod that hasn't been checked at all.
There are still <%= count %> pods that haven't been checked at all.
There is still one pod that hasn't been checked at all.
There are still <%= count %> pods that haven't been checked at all.
Queda unha instancia sen comprobar.
Quedan <%= count %> instancias que aínda non se comprobaron.
Queda unha instancia sen comprobar.
Quedan <%= count %> instancias que aínda non se comprobaron.