Are you sure you want to unlock this account?
Are you sure you want to unlock this account?
Biztosan fel akarod oldani a fiók zárolását? -
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be locked. It will be processed in a few moments...
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be locked. It will be processed in a few moments...
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be unlocked. It will be processed in a few moments...
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be unlocked. It will be processed in a few moments...
Read our %{faq} page on wiki
Read our %{faq} page on wiki
tekintsd meg %{faq} oldalunkat -
Ctrl+Enter – Send the message you are writing
Ctrl+Enter – Send the message you are writing
Ctrl+Enter – a megírt üzenet elküldése -
Your photos are ready for download, %{name}
Your photos are ready for download, %{name}
A képeid letölthetőek, %{name} -
Hello %{name}, Your photos have been processed and are ready for download by following [this link](%{url}). Cheers, The diaspora* email robot!
Hello %{name},
Your photos have been processed and are ready for download by following [this link](%{url}).
The diaspora* email robot!Üdv %{name}!
A képeidet feldolgoztuk - máris letöltheted őket, ha követed [ezt a hivatkozást](%{url}).
minden jót:
a diaspora* üzenetküldő automatája -
There was an issue with your photos, %{name}
There was an issue with your photos, %{name}
Gond adódott a képeiddel kapcsolatban, %{name} -
Hello %{name} We’ve encountered an issue while processing your photos for download. If this issue persists, please contact your podmin for help. Sorry, The diaspora* email robot!
Hello %{name}
We’ve encountered an issue while processing your photos for download.
If this issue persists, please contact your podmin for help.
The diaspora* email robot!Üdv %{name}!
Hiba lépett fel, miközben előkészítettük a képeidet a letöltéshez.
Kérlek próbáld meg újra!
elnézésedet kérjük:
a diaspora* üzenetküldő automatája -
Download my photos
Download my photos
Képeim letöltése -
Request my photos
Request my photos
Képeim igénylése -
Refresh my photos
Refresh my photos
Képeim frissítése -
We are currently processing your photos. Please check back in a few moments.
We are currently processing your photos. Please check back in a few moments.
Jelenleg folyamatban van a képeid feldolgozása. Kérlek nézz vissza később. -
Please make your tag name fewer than %{count} characters. Right now it is %{current_length} characters
Please make your tag name fewer than %{count} characters. Right now it is %{current_length} characters
You don't have any contacts in this aspect yet. Below is a list of your existing contacts which you can add to this aspect.
You don't have any contacts in this aspect yet. Below is a list of your existing contacts which you can add to this aspect.
Még nincsen ismerősöd ebben a csoportban. Az alábbi lista a meglévő ismerőseidet mutatja, akiket hozzáadhatsz a csoporthoz. -
How do I get notifications, or stop getting notifications, about a post?
How do I get notifications, or stop getting notifications, about a post?
Hogyan kaphatok értesítéseket egy bejegyzésről, illetve hogyan kapcsolhatom ki ezt a funkciót? -
You will find a bell icon next to the X at the top right of a post. Click this to enable or disable notifications for that post.
You will find a bell icon next to the X at the top right of a post. Click this to enable or disable notifications for that post.
Egy harang ikont találsz a bejegyzés jobb felső sarkában látható X mellett. Kattints erre, hogy engedélyezd vagy letiltsd az adott bejegyzéssel kapcsolatos értesítéseket. -
How do I report an offensive post?
How do I report an offensive post?
Hogy jelenthetek egy sértő bejegyzést? -
Click the alert triangle icon at the top right of the post to report it to your podmin. Enter a reason for reporting this post in the dialog box. Please only report posts that break our %{community_guidelines} or your pod’s terms of service, for example posts containing illegal content, or which are abusive or spam.
Click the alert triangle icon at the top right of the post to report it to your podmin. Enter a reason for reporting this post in the dialog box. Please only report posts that break our %{community_guidelines} or your pod’s terms of service, for example posts containing illegal content, or which are abusive or spam.