Upload a new profile photo!
Upload a new profile photo!
新しいプロフィール写真をアップロードしてください! -
One photo by %{author} No photos by %{author} %{count} photos by %{author} ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0No photos by %{author}
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1One photo by %{author}
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} photos by %{author}
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{author}さんの写真はありません
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{author}さんの写真%{count}枚
Reshare by %{author}
Reshare by %{author}
%{author}さんがリシェア -
Your name
Your name
姓名 -
First name
First name
名 -
Last name
Last name
姓 -
Your gender
Your gender
性別 -
Your birthday
Your birthday
誕生日 -
Describe yourself in 5 words
Describe yourself in 5 words
自分を表す5つの#タグ -
Like #movies #kittens #travel #teacher #newyork
Like #movies #kittens #travel #teacher #newyork
例:#diaspora #kaji #nyanko #ongaku -
Your bio
Your bio
略歴 -
Your location
Your location
所在地 -
Your photo
Your photo
写真 -
Update profile
Update profile
プロフィール更新 -
Allow for people to search for you within diaspora*
Allow for people to search for you within diaspora*
ダイアスポラ*内の検索を許可する -
Profile updated
Profile updated
プロフィールを更新しました -
Failed to update profile
Failed to update profile
プロフィール更新に失敗しました -
Enter your email address
Enter your email address
メールアドレスを入力してください。 -
Pick a username (only letters, numbers, and underscores)
Pick a username (only letters, numbers, and underscores)
ユーザー名を選択してください。 (半角英数字とアンダーバーのみ) -
Enter a password (six character minimum)
Enter a password (six character minimum)
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