

  1. Click the graph icon to generate a poll. Type a question and at least two answers. Don’t forget to make your post public if you want everyone to be able to participate in your poll.
    Click the graph icon to generate a poll. Type a question and at least two answers. Don’t forget to make your post public if you want everyone to be able to participate in your poll.

    Click the graph icon to generate a poll. Type a question and at least two answers. Dont forget to make your post public if you want everyone to be able to participate in your poll.

    changed via the API .
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  2. Klikk på graf-ikonet for å lage en spørreundersøkelse. Skriv inn spørsmålet og minst to svar. Ikke glem å gjøre innlegget offentlig hvis du vil at ale skal kunne delta i spørreundersøkelsen din.
    Klikk graf-ikonet for å lage en spørreundersøkelse. Skriv inn spørsmålet og minst to svar. Ikke glem å gjøre innlegget offentlig hvis du vil at ale skal kunne delta i spørreundersøkelsen din.
    changed by RolfRB .
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  3. Click the graph icon to generate a poll. Type a question and at least two answers. Don’t forget to make your post public if you want everyone to be able to participate in your poll.
    Click the graph icon to generate a poll. Type a question and at least two answers. Don’t forget to make your post public if you want everyone to be able to participate in your poll.

    Click the graph icon to generate a poll. Type a question and at least two answers. Dont forget to make your post public if you want everyone to be able to participate in your poll.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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