You should add some more contacts!
You should add some more contacts!
Du schullst een poor mehr Kontakte schluten! -
You can search or %{invite_link} more contacts.
You can search or %{invite_link} more contacts.
Du kannst mehr Kontakte seuken oder inlooden. -
Or you can share with %{link}
Or you can share with %{link}
Oder du kannst mit de %{link} deelen -
Community spotlight
Community spotlight
vörstellten Gemeenschaftsmitglieder -
+ Add an aspect
+ Add an aspect
+ Een Aspekt dortaudaun -
%{name} was successfully removed.
%{name} was successfully removed.
%{name} is erfolgriek löscht worrn. -
%{name} could not be removed.
%{name} could not be removed.
%{name} kunn nich löscht warn. -
Your aspect, %{name}, has been successfully edited.
Your aspect, %{name}, has been successfully edited.
Dien Aspekt, %{name}, is erfolgriek ännert worn. -
Your aspect, %{name}, had too long name to be saved.
Your aspect, %{name}, had too long name to be saved.
De Noom von dien Aspekt, %{name}, wör to lang ton Speichern. -
Failed to add contact to aspect.
Failed to add contact to aspect.
Kun Kontakt nich to’n Aspekt dortaudaun. -
Successfully added contact to aspect.
Successfully added contact to aspect.
Kontakt erfolgriek to’n Aspekt dortaudoon. -
Familie -
Arbeit -
Bekannte -
Frünnen -
Spenden -
Welcome to diaspora*, %{name}!
Welcome to diaspora*, %{name}!
Willkomen to diaspora*, %{name}! -
This is your stream. Jump in and introduce yourself.
This is your stream. Jump in and introduce yourself.
Dat is dien Stream. Leg los und stell di vör. -
Welcome new users
Welcome new users
Begrööt nee’e Bruker -
Follow %{link} and welcome new users to diaspora*!
Follow %{link} and welcome new users to diaspora*!
Folg %{link} un begrööt nee’e Bruker op diaspora*!
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