novèlaicí -
Hey everyone, I’m #%{new_user_tag}.
Hey everyone, I’m #%{new_user_tag}.
Adiu mond, soi %{new_user_tag}. -
I’m interested in %{tags}.
I’m interested in %{tags}.
M'interèssa %{tags}. -
Thanks for the invite,
Thanks for the invite,
Mercé pel convit, -
Convits -
Invite your friends
Invite your friends
Convidar vòstres amics -
Invite people by email
Invite people by email
Convidar de monde per corrièl -
Control your audience
Control your audience
Contrarotlatz vòstra audiéncia -
Use #hashtags to classify your posts and find people who share your interests. Call out awesome people with @Mentions
Use #hashtags to classify your posts and find people who share your interests. Call out awesome people with @Mentions
Utilizatz las #etiquetas per triar vòstras publicacions e per trobar de monde que partejan vòstres interèsses. Interpellatz de personas genialas amb las @Mencions -
Use this dropdown to change visibility of your post. (We suggest you make this first one public.)
Use this dropdown to change visibility of your post. (We suggest you make this first one public.)
Utilizatz aqueste menú per cambiar la visibilitat de vòstra publicacion. (Vos recomandam de marcar la primièra coma publica) -
Set up connected services
Set up connected services
Metre en plaça de servicis connectats -
Partejatz -
Public messages will be available for others outside of diaspora* to see.
Public messages will be available for others outside of diaspora* to see.
Los messatges publics poiràn èsser vistes per totes, quitament en defòra de diaspora*. -
Logged in to %{service}
Logged in to %{service}
Connectat a %{service} -
Manage connected services
Manage connected services
Gerir los servicis connectats -
Atom feed
Atom feed
Flux Atom -
Via %{link}
Via %{link}
Via %{link} -
Mentioning: %{person}
Mentioning: %{person}
Menciona : %{person} -
Please make your status message fewer than %{count} characters. Right now it is %{current_length} characters
Please make your status message fewer than %{count} characters. Right now it is %{current_length} characters
Avisatz-vos d'escriure un messatge d'estatut de %{count} caractèrs maximum. Compta actualament %{current_length} caractèrs. -
Follow #%{tag}
Follow #%{tag}
Seguir #%{tag}
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