Original post deleted by author.
Original post deleted by author.
Publicația originală a fost ștearsă de autorul ei. -
%{resharer}’s reshare of %{author}’s post
%{resharer}’s reshare of %{author}’s post
%{resharer} redistribuirea postarii creata de %{author} -
Logged in as %{nickname}.
Logged in as %{nickname}.
Autentificat ca %{nickname}. -
desconectează -
Disconnect %{service}?
Disconnect %{service}?
Să deconectez %{service}? -
Edit services
Edit services
Editează servicii -
Authentication successful.
Authentication successful.
Autentificare cu succes. -
Authentication failed.
Authentication failed.
Autentificarea a eșuat. -
A user with diaspora id %{diaspora_id} already authorized that %{service_name} account.
A user with diaspora id %{diaspora_id} already authorized that %{service_name} account.
Un utilizator cu id-ul %{diaspora_id} de diaspora a autorizat deja contul %{service_name} -
Successfully deleted authentication.
Successfully deleted authentication.
Autentificare stearsa cu succes. -
There was an error connecting to that service
There was an error connecting to that service
Eroare la conectarea serviciului respectiv -
All right, you won’t see that user in your stream again. #silencio!
All right, you won’t see that user in your stream again. #silencio!
Bine, nu vei mai vedea acel utilizator in fluxul tau din nou. #silencio! -
I couldn’t ignore that user. #evasion
I couldn’t ignore that user. #evasion
Nu am putut sa ignor acel utilizator. #evasion -
Let’s see what they have to say! #sayhello
Let’s see what they have to say! #sayhello
Sa vedem ce au de spus! #sayhello -
I couldn’t stop ignoring that user. #evasion
I couldn’t stop ignoring that user. #evasion
Nu am putut ignora acel user. #evasion -
In %{count} aspect In %{count} aspects oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1In %{count} aspect
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseIn %{count} aspects
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1%{count} aspect
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n is 0 OR n is not 1 AND n mod 100 in 1..19In %{count} aspecte
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseIn %{count} aspecte
Public... -
Distribuie -
What’s on your mind?
What’s on your mind?
La ce te gandesti? -
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