

  1. Click the switch to set your extended profile data visibility. Public means it is visible to the internet, limited means only people who you share with will see this information.
    Click the switch to set your extended profile data visibility. Public means it is visible to the internet, limited means only people who you share with will see this information.

    Click the switch to set your extended profile data visibility. Public means it is visible to the internet, limited means only people who you share with will see this information.

    changed via the API .
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  2. Click the switch to set your extended profile data visibility. Public means it is visible to the internet, limited means only people who you share with will see this information.
    Click the switch to set your extended profile data visibility. Public means it is visible to the internet, limited means only people who you share with will see this information.

    Click the switch to set your extended profile data visibility. Public means it is visible to the internet, limited means only people who you share with will see this information.

    changed by Jonne Haß via a Batch Operation.
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  3. Që të caktoni dukshmërinë e profilit tuaj të zgjeruar, klikoni mbi çelësin. Publik do të thotë se është i dukshëm në internet, i kufizuar do të thotë vetëm persona me të cilët ndani gjëra mund t’i shohin këto të dhëna.
    caktoni dukshmërinë e profilit tuaj zgjeruar, klikoni mbi çelësin. Publik do thotë se është i dukshëm internet, i kufizuar do thotë vetëm persona me cilët ndani gjëra mund ti shohin këto dhëna.
    changed by Besnik Bleta .
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