A new %{type} was marked as offensive
A new %{type} was marked as offensive
Скарга на %{type} -
Hello, the %{type} with ID %{id} was marked as offensive. Reason: %{reason} [%{url}][1] Please review as soon as possible! Cheers, The diaspora* email robot! [1]: %{url}
the %{type} with ID %{id} was marked as offensive.
Reason: %{reason}
Please review as soon as possible!
The diaspora* email robot!
[1]: %{url}Вітаємо!
Отримано скаргу на %{type} з ID %{id}
Причина: %{reason}
Будь ласка, перегляньте якнайшвидше!
З повагою,
Робот Діаспори*!
[1]: %{url} -
Reports overview
Reports overview
Перегляд скарг -
<strong>Post</strong>: %{content}
: %{content}<b>
: %{title} -
<strong>Comment</strong>: %{data}
: %{data}<b>
%{data} -
<strong>Reported by</strong> %{person}
Reported by</strong>
Скарга від</b>
%{person} -
Причина: -
Mark as reviewed
Mark as reviewed
Відмітити як проглянутий -
Delete item
Delete item
Видалити -
Are you sure to delete the item?
Are you sure to delete the item?
Ви упевнені, що хочете вилучити це? -
The post/comment was not found. It seems that it was deleted by the user!
The post/comment was not found. It seems that it was deleted by the user!
Не вдалося знайти запис або коментар. Напевно вже видалено користувачем.</u>
The post was destroyed
The post was destroyed
Запис був знищений -
Something went wrong
Something went wrong
Сталася помилка -
someone sends a report
someone sends a report
Хтось прислав скаргу -
Допомога -
View profile
View profile
перегляд профілю -
Close account
Close account
закрити аккаунт -
Are you sure you want to close this account?
Are you sure you want to close this account?
Ви впевнені, що бажаєте закрити цей аккаунт? -
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be closed. It will be processed in a few moments...
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be closed. It will be processed in a few moments...
Планується закриття аккаунту з ім'ям %{name}. Обробка займе деякий час... -
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