Se marcó un nuevo% {type} como ofensivo
Se marcó un nuevo% {type} como ofensivo
Se marcó un nuevo% {type} como ofensivo
In Danish the variable %{type} will be dependent on gender. "A new" vil either be:"En ny" or Et nyt" dependent on the gender of the word, guess that this will apply to other languages too.
Is the %{type} = notifier.report_email.type.comment and
A easy workaround would be to change these two variables to: "A new post" and "A new comment" instead of "post and "comment." -
I see that the %{type} variable is used other places too, making for one more problem. In danish and other languages the definite and indefinite form of a noun is a suffix and not an article placed in front (the) as in English.
"Hello the [comment or post] with ID..." will in Danish either be: "Hej, [kommentaren or indlægget.] -
A tool to cope with that is i18n-inflector, we do have the basic infrastructure bits for it integrated, but no one made the effort to apply the necessary changes throughout the application code, yet.
I don't have the time to do so (and I think German isn't the best base to make a good judgment on how to do so), but I'm willing to assist anybody who does.
Just pointing out that the smae goes for Swedish (and probably Norwegian aswell.)
Well, i am not a coder so maybe I will find some other workaround. I will see what can be done with reformulation :)
There is the same problem in Sardinian. "post" is "feminine" while "comment" is "masculine".
Se marcó un nuevo% {type} como ofensivoSe marcó un nuevo% {type} como ofensivo