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gd - Scottish Gaelic
ab - Abkhazian
af - Afrikaans
ar - Arabic
art-nvi - Artificial Language Na'vi
ast - Asturian
az - Azeri
be - Belarusian
bg - Bulgarian
bn - Bengali
br - Breton
bs - Bosnian
ca - Catalan
cs - Czech
cy - Welsh
da - Danish
de - German
de-CH - German, Switzerland
de-formal - German (Sie)
de-moo - German (Kuh)
dsb - Lower Sorbian
el - Greek
en - English
en-1337 - English (1337)
en-pirate - English (Pirate)
en-shaw - English (Shavian)
en-valspeak - English (Valley Girl)
eo - Esperanto
es - Spanish
es-AR - Spanish, Argentina
es-BO - Spanish, Bolivia
es-CL - Spanish, Chile
es-CO - Spanish, Colombia
es-MX - Spanish, Mexico
et - Estonian
eu - Basque
fa - Persian
fi - Finnish
fil - Filipino
fr - French
fy - Western Frisian
ga - Irish
gd - Scottish Gaelic
gl - Galician
gu - Gujarati
he - Hebrew
hi - Hindi
hu - Hungarian
hye - Armenian (Eastern)
hye-classical - Armenian (Eastern) classical orthography
hyw - Armenian (Western)
ia - Interlingua
id - Indonesian
io - Ido
is - Icelandic
it - Italian
ja - Japanese
ja-KS - Japanese Kansai dialect
ka - Georgian
kk - Kazakh
kn - Kannada
ko - Korean
ku - Kurdish
la - Latin
lt - Lithuanian
lv - Latvian
mk - Macedonian
ml - Malayalam
ms - Malay
my - Burmese
nb - Norwegian Bokmål
nds - Low German
ne - Nepali
nl - Dutch
nn - Norwegian Nynorsk
oc - Occitan
pa - Punjabi
pl - Polish
pt-BR - Portuguese, Brazil
pt-PT - Portuguese, Portugal
ro - Romanian
ru - Russian
sc - Sardinian
scn - Sicilian
si - Sinhala
sk - Slovak
sl - Slovenian
sq - Albanian
sr - Serbian
sv - Swedish
ta - Tamil
te - Telugu
th - Thai
tr - Turkish
tt - Tatar
uk - Ukrainian
ur-PK - Urdu, Pakistan
vi - Vietnamese
wo - Wolof
yi - Yiddish
zh-CN - Chinese, China
zh-TW - Chinese, Taiwan
en - English
sr - Serbian
lt - Lithuanian
ja-KS - Japanese Kansai dialect
kn - Kannada
es-CO - Spanish, Colombia
tt - Tatar
ta - Tamil
ca - Catalan
hyw - Armenian (Western)
de-CH - German, Switzerland
fy - Western Frisian
wo - Wolof
az - Azeri
hye-classical - Armenian (Eastern) classical orthography
hi - Hindi
be - Belarusian
la - Latin
bn - Bengali
sl - Slovenian
ku - Kurdish
dsb - Lower Sorbian
ab - Abkhazian
sc - Sardinian
en-shaw - English (Shavian)
gu - Gujarati
th - Thai
kk - Kazakh
lv - Latvian
es-BO - Spanish, Bolivia
ast - Asturian
ga - Irish
yi - Yiddish
af - Afrikaans
fa - Persian
io - Ido
ml - Malayalam
si - Sinhala
br - Breton
en - English
gl - Galician
oc - Occitan
de-moo - German (Kuh)
es-MX - Spanish, Mexico
es-AR - Spanish, Argentina
fr - French
de - German
bg - Bulgarian
da - Danish
en-pirate - English (Pirate)
ne - Nepali
de-formal - German (Sie)
ka - Georgian
en-1337 - English (1337)
nds - Low German
gd - Scottish Gaelic
id - Indonesian
en-valspeak - English (Valley Girl)
mk - Macedonian
cy - Welsh
is - Icelandic
eo - Esperanto
zh-CN - Chinese, China
ur-PK - Urdu, Pakistan
es-CL - Spanish, Chile
vi - Vietnamese
sq - Albanian
tr - Turkish
zh-TW - Chinese, Taiwan
uk - Ukrainian
sv - Swedish
scn - Sicilian
ro - Romanian
sk - Slovak
pa - Punjabi
cs - Czech
ms - Malay
my - Burmese
ja - Japanese
fil - Filipino
ko - Korean
hu - Hungarian
es - Spanish
nb - Norwegian Bokmål
he - Hebrew
it - Italian
nl - Dutch
hye - Armenian (Eastern)
nn - Norwegian Nynorsk
te - Telugu
ar - Arabic
fi - Finnish
el - Greek
eu - Basque
bs - Bosnian
art-nvi - Artificial Language Na'vi
pt-BR - Portuguese, Brazil
ia - Interlingua
et - Estonian
ru - Russian
pt-PT - Portuguese, Portugal
pl - Polish
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changed by
Jonne Haß
16 February, 2012 21:21
changed by
Jonne Haß
16 February, 2012 23:19
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19 August, 2013 21:48
changed by
Jonne Haß
20 August, 2013 12:01
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