

  1. This pod is currently closed to new registrations. However, you can still join the diaspora* network by registering on %{wiki}. Because all pods are interconnected, you will have access to the same content there.
    This pod is currently closed to new registrations. However, you can still join the diaspora* network by registering on %{wiki}. Because all pods are interconnected, you will have access to the same content there.
    changed via the API .
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  2. This pod is currently closed to new registrations. However, you can still join the diaspora* network by registering on %{wiki}. Because all pods are interconnected, you will have access to the same content there.
    This pod is currently closed to new registrations. However, you can still join the diaspora* network by registering on %{wiki}. Because all pods are interconnected, you will have access to the same content there.
    changed by Waithamai via a Batch Operation.
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