Следните е-маил адреси имаа проблем:
Следните е-маил адреси имаа проблем:
Такі адреси електронної пошти мають проблеми: %{emails} -
Немате повеќе покани.
Немате повеќе покани.
У вас закінчилися запрошення. -
Мова -
Поканете некој да се придружи на Diaspora!
Поканете некој да се придружи на Diaspora!
Запросити когось до Діаспори*! -
Испрати покана
Испрати покана
Відправити запрошення -
профіль -
налаштування -
одјави се
одјави се
вийти -
Код -
Підтримується Діаспорою*
Що нового?
Публічний канал діаспори підтримується для %{name}
%{actors} started sharing with you. %{actors} started sharing with you. %{actors} started sharing with you. %{actors} started sharing with you. %{actors} started sharing with you. %{actors} started sharing with you. ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} started sharing with you.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1%{actors} started sharing with you.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everthing else%{actors} started sharing with you.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} почав(ла) ділитися з вами.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11%{actors} почав(ла) ділитися з вами.
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14%{actors} почав(ла) ділитися з вами.
manyThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14%{actors} почав(ла) ділитися з вами.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{actors} почав(ла) ділитися з вами.
%{actors} sent you a message. %{actors} sent you a message. %{actors} sent you a message. %{actors} sent you a message. %{actors} sent you a message. %{actors} sent you a message. ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} sent you a message.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1%{actors} sent you a message.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everthing else%{actors} sent you a message.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} надіслали вам повідомлення.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11%{actors} надіслав(-ла) вам повідомлення.
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14%{actors} надіслали вам повідомлення.
manyThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14%{actors} надіслали вам повідомлення.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{actors} надіслали вам повідомлення.
%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}. %{actors} commented on your %{post_link}. %{actors} commented on your %{post_link}. %{actors} commented on your %{post_link}. %{actors} commented on your %{post_link}. %{actors} commented on your %{post_link}. ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everthing else%{actors} commented on your %{post_link}.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} прокоментували вашу %{post_link}.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11%{actors} прокоментував(-ла) вашу %{post_link}.
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14%{actors} прокоментували вашу %{post_link}.
manyThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14%{actors} прокоментували вашу %{post_link}.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{actors} прокоментували вашу %{post_link}.
%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}. %{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}. %{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}. %{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}. %{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}. %{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}. ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everthing else%{actors} has just liked your %{post_link}.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} сподобався ваш %{post_link}.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11%{actors} сподобався ваш %{post_link}.
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14%{actors} сподобався ваш %{post_link}.
manyThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14%{actors} сподобався ваш %{post_link}.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{actors} сподобався ваш %{post_link}.
%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}. %{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}. %{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}. %{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}. %{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}. %{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}. ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everthing else%{actors} has reshared your %{post_link}.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} поділилися вашим %{post_link}.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11%{actors} поділився(лась) вашим %{post_link}.
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14%{actors} поділилися вашим %{post_link}.
manyThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14%{actors} поділилися вашим %{post_link}.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{actors} поділилися вашим %{post_link}.
%{actors} commented on a deleted post. %{actors} commented on a deleted post. %{actors} commented on a deleted post. %{actors} commented on a deleted post. %{actors} commented on a deleted post. %{actors} commented on a deleted post. ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} commented on a deleted post.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1%{actors} commented on a deleted post.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everthing else%{actors} commented on a deleted post.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} коментували ваш вилучений запис.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11%{actors} коментували ваш вилучений запис.
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14%{actors} коментували ваш вилучений запис.
manyThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14%{actors} коментували ваш вилучений запис.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{actors} коментували ваш вилучений запис.
%{actors} liked your deleted post. %{actors} liked your deleted post. %{actors} liked your deleted post. %{actors} liked your deleted post. %{actors} liked your deleted post. %{actors} liked your deleted post. ZeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} liked your deleted post.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1%{actors} liked your deleted post.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everthing else%{actors} liked your deleted post.
zeroThis plural form is used for numbers like: 0%{actors} подобався ваш вилучений запис.
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11%{actors} подобався ваш вилучений запис.
fewThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14%{actors} подобався ваш вилучений запис.
manyThis plural form is used for numbers like: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14%{actors} подобався ваш вилучений запис.
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{actors} подобався ваш вилучений запис.