
segment context

Discussion started , with 3 comments.
  1. João Neto Portuguese, Portugal Translator with all proofreading rights


    I would like to know a bit more where this segment is used.

    I just visited newhere tag and the sentence "followed by no people" makes no sense in portuguese with it's current translation.

    However, if used in different contexts, it does make sense.


    Apologies if this is not the right place to discuss! (I'm #newhere :))

  2. Jonne Haß Manager

    Totally right place and do not fear to check the notify button next to my name to get a faster answer :P

    I grepped a bit through the code base and the one on the tag show page seems to be indeed the last usage of the people pluralization (this, people.one, people.two, people.few, people.many, people.other).

  3. João Neto Portuguese, Portugal Translator with all proofreading rights

    I'm glad I didn't mess things up! :)
    About the notify, thought it was pretty low priority.

    About the segment: it should be fixed now. Not sure if 100% correct, but... certainly better!
    It reads now "followed by nobody" (acceptable) instead of "followed by there are no people".

    Also, some other off-topic misc questions:
    1 - How often are translations 'pushed' into the repositories (and joindiaspora.com)?
    2 - What should be marked as "unproofread"/"to verify"? I did some searching on WebTranslateIt documentation, but without luck.

    Thanks for such a friendly response :)

  4. Jonne Haß Manager

    Since I pull them manually that's random, whenever I've the feeling there were enough changes ;). joindiaspora.com's updates are pretty much the same way random so there's no real answer to that question.

    Regarding unproofread I'd say that's personal taste of the team but I think someone else should proofread whatever changes someone made ;). To verify should be set by WebTranslateIt whenever the source translation (English) changed, so it's a marker for you to review if the translation still applies.


  1. no people
    no people
    changed by Jonne Haß .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. no people
    no people
    changed by Jonne Haß .
    Copy to clipboard
  3. No people
    No people
    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard