Hashapass/Hashapass web
<x id="START_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_SPAN" />Caution!<x id="END_SPAN" /> Most systems will keep a history of recently-typed commands. You probably do not want to use the above template directly, but rather inside of a shell script that will prompt you for your master password.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />Simon Elmir contributed just such a script:<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
<x id="START_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_SPAN" />
Caution!<x id="END_SPAN" />
Most systems will keep a history of recently-typed commands. You probably do not want to use the above template directly, but rather inside of a shell script that will prompt you for your master password.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
Simon Elmir contributed just such a script:<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
<x id="START_PARAGRAPH"></x><x id="START_SPAN"></x>
Attention !<x id="END_SPAN"></x>
La plupart des systèmes gardent en mémoire un historique des commandes récemment saisies. Le modèle ci-dessus n'est donc pas forcément à utiliser directement, mais il peut être utilisé à l'intérieur d'un script qui vous demandera de saisir votre mot de passe principal.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH"></x><x id="START_PARAGRAPH"></x>
Simon Elmir a proposé le script suivant :<x id="END_PARAGRAPH"></x>
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Warning about the command-line version and introduction to remedy.