Hashapass/Hashapass web
<x id="START_H2" />About Hashapass<x id="END_H2" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />Hashapass is a password generator which uses a mathematic formula to create new passwords based on a "master" password and a parameter.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />The formula is calculated in the safety of your web browser, without any information being transmitted over the Internet.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />The generated password is computed as the first 8 characters of the Base64 encoding of HMAC-SHA1(master password, parameter). HMAC-SHA1 is defined on byte arrays, so only the lowest-significant byte of the Unicode code point for each character of the master password and parameter is used in the calculation of the HMAC-SHA1.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />There's no secret to this formula: <x id="START_LINK_1" />SHA1<x id="END_LINK" />, <x id="START_LINK_2" />HMAC<x id="END_LINK" /> and <x id="START_LINK_3" />Base64<x id="END_LINK" /> are all well-known algorithms, which guarantees that other people can implement products that are compatible with Hashapass.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
<x id="START_H2" />
About Hashapass<x id="END_H2" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
Hashapass is a password generator which uses a mathematic formula to create new passwords based on a "master" password and a parameter.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
The formula is calculated in the safety of your web browser, without any information being transmitted over the Internet.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
The generated password is computed as the first 8 characters of the Base64 encoding of HMAC-SHA1(master password, parameter). HMAC-SHA1 is defined on byte arrays, so only the lowest-significant byte of the Unicode code point for each character of the master password and parameter is used in the calculation of the HMAC-SHA1.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
There's no secret to this formula:<x id="START_LINK_1" />
SHA1<x id="END_LINK" />
,<x id="START_LINK_2" />
HMAC<x id="END_LINK" />
and<x id="START_LINK_3" />
Base64<x id="END_LINK" />
are all well-known algorithms, which guarantees that other people can implement products that are compatible with Hashapass.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
<x id="START_H2" />
Sobre Hashapass<x id="END_H2" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
Hashapass é um gerador de senhas que utiliza uma fórmula matemática para criar uma nova senha baseada em uma "senha mestre" e um parâmetro.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
A fórmula é calculada na segurança do seu navegador, sem que nenhuma informação seja transmitida para a Internet.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
A senha gerada é o resultado dos 8 primeiros caracteres Base64 a partir da codificação HMAC-SHA1 (senha mestre, parâmetro). HMAC-SHA1 é definido em uma matriz de bytes, portanto, apenas o menor byte significativo do Unicode para cada caractere da senha mestre e parâmetro é usado no cálculo do HMAC-SHA1.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
Não existe uma fórmula secreta:<x id="START_LINK_1" />
SHA1<x id="END_LINK" />
,<x id="START_LINK_2" />
HMAC<x id="END_LINK" />
e<x id="START_LINK_3" />
Base64<x id="END_LINK" />
são algoritmos conhecidos, o que garante que outras pessoas possam implementar produtos que serão compatíveis com Hashapass.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.
About Hashapass