WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
Import failed
Import failed
Did you find the problem? You can upload your file again.
Did you find the problem? You can upload your file again.
Verifying file…
Verifying file…
Are you absolutely certain you want to delete this file with all its translations?
Are you absolutely certain you want to delete this file with all its translations?
(Currently importing)
(Currently importing)
Обновить -
Update file:
Update file:
%{count} translation %{count} translations oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1%{count} translation
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything else%{count} translations
Delete the segments attached to this file and their translations?
Delete the segments attached to this file and their translations?
Delete %{file_name}
Delete %{file_name}
(view the segments attached to this file)
(view the segments attached to this file)
Delete this file
Delete this file
Advanced Options
Advanced Options
By default, synchronisation clones the content of the file in WebTranslateIt. This is what most projects need.
By default, synchronisation clones the content of the file in WebTranslateIt. This is what most projects need.
Apply a label to changes
Apply a label to changes
On your computer
On your computer
File URL
File URL
No more segments to load.
Loading more segments…
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