WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
The chart is a PNG image, and its URL is: %{url}
The chart is a PNG image, and its URL is: %{url}
Machine Translate
Machine Translate
Translate Complete Matches (via Translation Memory)
Translate Complete Matches (via Translation Memory)
Not in a file
Not in a file
Must be unique within a file.
Must be unique within a file.
Complete Match
Complete Match
Click to list the target files for %{file}
Click to list the target files for %{file}
Add segment
Add segment
Give this user the rights to proofread other people’s translations
Give this user the rights to proofread other people’s translations
Can proofread other people’s translations only
Can proofread other people’s translations only
Add Label(s)…
Add Label(s)…
Your receipts will be displayed on this page once you’ve made a payment.
Your receipts will be displayed on this page once you’ve made a payment.
You are using %{count}
You are using %{count}
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Users
A webhook is basically a call to another web service when an action is made on this website. For instance, write something on a chat room when a transalation is saved. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webhook
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