WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
You will receive an email within the next few minutes. It contains instructions to change your password.
You will receive an email within the next few minutes. It contains instructions to change your password.
Signed in.
Signed in.
Inloggad. -
Failed to upload file.
Failed to upload file.
File deleted.
File deleted.
Failed to add the language to your project
Failed to add the language to your project
Language queued for deletion.
Language queued for deletion.
Failed to switch language.
Failed to switch language.
Updating language.
Updating language.
Failed to create project.
Failed to create project.
Project created.
Project created.
Projekt skapas. -
Project queued for deletion.
Project queued for deletion.
Failed to renew API Key.
Failed to renew API Key.
API Key renewed.
API Key renewed.
API-nyckel förnyad. -
Failed to update project.
Failed to update project.
Project updated.
Project updated.
Wrong email or password.
Wrong email or password.
Question marked as answered.
Question marked as answered.
Fråga markerad som svarad. -
Failed to save translation.
Failed to save translation.
Misslyckades med att spara översättning. -
Translation saved.
Translation saved.
Översättning sparad. -
You have too many segments or users to upgrade to this plan.
You have too many segments or users to upgrade to this plan.
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