WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
Inactive users isn’t available on your plan.
This feature notifies you when a collaborator seems not to be working on your organization anymore, so you can remove their access.
Upgrade to the
<a href="%{link}">
Starter, Premium or Enterprise plan</a>
. -
There is currently no owner set up for your organization</strong>
as the previous owner has deleted their user account 😟 As a result we cannot communicate important updates about your organization. This person probably doesn’t work for your organization. If you know who should be the organization owner,<a href="mailto: support@webtranslateit.com?subject=Organization owner change">
please let us know</a>
and we’ll sort it out. Thanks! -
The e-mails sent to the organization owner %{email}</strong>
are currently bouncing 😟 As a result we cannot communicate important updates about your organization. This person probably doesn’t work for your organization. If you know who should be the organization owner,<a href="mailto: support@webtranslateit.com?subject=Organization owner change">
please let us know</a>
and we’ll sort it out. Thanks! -
SCIM isn’t available on your plan.
SCIM lets you manage your organization’s users and teams in one place using a user provisioning system like OKTA.
Token de acceso a SCIM
Token de acceso a SCIM
SCIM access token -
Rellena este campo si la organización está enlazada con una cuenta SCIM
Rellena este campo si la organización está enlazada con una cuenta SCIM
Fill out this field if the organization is linked to an SCIM account -
Other payment method
Generate files containing segments to verify?
Yes, export segments to verify (default)
No, don’t export segments to verify
By default WebTranslateIt generates files with segments that have been flagged as “To Verify”, but you can change this behavior and get files without thse segments.
Este usuario ya ha sido invitado
Este usuario ya ha sido invitado
This user has already been invited -
Este usuario ya es miembro
Este usuario ya es miembro
This user is already a member -
Este formato de archivo no es compatible.
Este formato de archivo no es compatible.
This file format is not supported. -
Se tiene que aceptar
Se tiene que aceptar
must be accepted -
No se puede dejar vacío
No se puede dejar vacío
can't be blank -
no coincide con la confirmación
no coincide con la confirmación
doesn't match confirmation
No more segments to load.
Loading more segments…
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