<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">Timeline</a></span> <br><span>A timeline, representing 4 weeks before and after the selected week, may accompany the symbol of the time range classification, and highlights the most recent filtered assignments.</span> <br><span>The closest assignments, independently of any filters, are displayed as an arc below (weekend) or above (midweek) the week's marker. The highlighted part of it represents the assignment's meeting section.</span> <br><span> Assisting or supplementary parts are displayed as outlined symbols.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">
A timeline, representing 4 weeks before and after the selected week, may accompany the symbol of the time range classification, and highlights the most recent filtered assignments.</span>
The closest assignments, independently of any filters, are displayed as an arc below (weekend) or above (midweek) the week's marker. The highlighted part of it represents the assignment's meeting section.</span>
Assisting or supplementary parts are displayed as outlined symbols.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">
En tidslinje, der repræsenterer 4 uger før og efter den valgte uge, kan ledsage symbolet for tidsintervalklassificeringen og fremhæver de seneste filtrerede opgaver.</span>
De nærmeste tildelinger, uafhængigt af eventuelle filtre, vises som en bue under (weekend) eller over (midt på ugen) ugens markør. Den fremhævede del af den repræsenterer opgavens mødeafsnit.</span>
Assisterende eller supplerende data vises som omridsede symboler.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">History</a></span> <br><span>Up to three additional lines may be used to display a brief historical record in the details. The number of displayed lines can be adjusted in the settings [6].</span> <br><span>In case of assignments, a checkbox indicates completed assignments. Canceled assignments have no checkbox and other labels are striked through. If the role of an assignee in a meeting part is assistant or supplementary, the checkbox is displayed behind a vertical bar.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">
Up to three additional lines may be used to display a brief historical record in the details. The number of displayed lines can be adjusted in the settings [6].</span>
In case of assignments, a checkbox indicates completed assignments. Canceled assignments have no checkbox and other labels are striked through. If the role of an assignee in a meeting part is assistant or supplementary, the checkbox is displayed behind a vertical bar.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">
Op til tre ekstra linjer kan bruges til at vise en kort historisk optegnelse i detaljerne. Antallet af viste linjer kan justeres i indstillingerne [6].</span>
I tilfælde af opgaver angiver et afkrydsningsfelt afsluttede opgaver. Annullerede opgaver har ingen afkrydsningsboks, og andre etiketter er overstreget. Hvis rollen som en tildelt i en mødedel er assistent eller supplerende, vises afkrydsningsfeltet bag en lodret bjælke.</span>
Situationer -
how many lines of historical records to display
how many lines of historical records to display
hvor mange linjer med historiske optegnelser, der skal vises -
whether to include or not parts of other kind of meetings
whether to include or not parts of other kind of meetings
om dele af andre former for møder skal medtages eller ej -
the labeling of assignments
the labeling of assignments
mærkningen af opgaver -
The settings are shared by different controls if used for a similar purpose, e.g. to select various <i>student assignments</i>.
The settings are shared by different controls if used for a similar purpose, e.g. to select various
student assignments</i>
.Indstillingerne deles af forskellige funktioner, hvis de bruges til et lignende formål, f.eks. til at vælge forskellige<i>
. -
Reset Default Settings
Reset Default Settings
Nulstil til standardindstillinger -
Select <strong>Reset default settings</strong> from the menu [6] in the bottom right corner, to restore all settings to their default values.
Reset default settings</strong>
from the menu [6] in the bottom right corner, to restore all settings to their default values.Vælg<strong>
Nulstil standardindstillinger</strong>
i menuen [6] i nederste højre hjørne for at gendanne alle indstillinger til deres standardværdier. -
Settings - Life and Ministry Meeting
Settings - Life and Ministry Meeting
Indstillinger - Livet og tjenesten som kristne -
Indstilliger -
Life and Ministry Meeting
Life and Ministry Meeting
Mødet "Livet og tjenesten som kristne" -
Import a Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook
Import a Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook
Importer arbejdshæfte til "Livet og tjenesten som krisne" -
Download the <i>Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook</i> in the ePub format from
Download the
Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook</i>
in the ePub format from<i>
Livet og tjenesten som kristne arbejdshæfte</i>
i ePub-format fra -
Go to the <strong>Settings</strong> and select the <strong>Life and Ministry Meeting</strong> page.
Go to the
and select the<strong>
Life and Ministry Meeting</strong>
page.Gå til<strong>
og vælg siden<strong>
Livet og tjenesten som kristne</strong>
. -
Press the <img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" /> button.
Press the
<img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
button.Klik på<img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
knap. -
Navigate to and select the downloaded ePub-file.
Navigate to and select the downloaded ePub-file.
Naviger til og vælg den downloadede ePub-fil. -
Click <strong>OK</strong> when you are notified about the weeks imported.
when you are notified about the weeks imported.Klik på<strong>
, når du får besked om de importerede uger. -
Edit the Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule
Edit the Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule
Rediger mødeplanen for Livet og tjenesten som kristne -
Add a Life and Ministry Meeting part
Add a Life and Ministry Meeting part
Tilføj et Livet og tjenesten som kristne punkt