Database restoring failed
Database restoring failed
Database restored. The program will be restarted.
Database restored. The program will be restarted.
Public talks - theme added
Public talks - theme added
Theocratic school schedule import. Copy full schedule from WTLibrary and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V)
Theocratic school schedule import. Copy full schedule from WTLibrary and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V)
Check schedule
Check schedule
Studies import. Copy studies from WTLibrary and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V)
Studies import. Copy studies from WTLibrary and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V)
Check studies
Check studies
Settings import. Copy settings from WTLibrary and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V)
Settings import. Copy settings from WTLibrary and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V)
No schedule to import.
No schedule to import.
rows added
rows added
Meeting for field ministry
Meeting for field ministry
Copy to the clipboard
Copy to the clipboard
Print assigned only
Print assigned only
Copied to the clipboard. Paste to word processing program (Ctrl+V/Cmd+V)
Copied to the clipboard. Paste to word processing program (Ctrl+V/Cmd+V)
Add public talk's subjects. Copy themes and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V). Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.
Add public talk's subjects. Copy themes and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V).
Number should be in the first column and theme in the second. -
Hide %1
Hide %1
Hide Others
Hide Others