Watchtower Study
Watchtower Study
The assigned person is no member of the congregation.
The assigned person is no member of the congregation.
Unassignable. Please check the publisher's settings.
Unassignable. Please check the publisher's settings.
The assigned person is not available on this day.
The assigned person is not available on this day.
Assignment incomplete. Please assign an assistant.
Assignment incomplete. Please assign an assistant.
Assignment incomplete. Please assign a student.
Assignment incomplete. Please assign a student.
The assistant should be of the same sex or should be a family member.
The assistant should be of the same sex or should be a family member.
The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex.
The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex.
The assigned person is no member of the congregation.
The assigned person is no member of the congregation.
Unassignable. Please check the publisher's settings.
Unassignable. Please check the publisher's settings.
The assigned person is not available on this day.
The assigned person is not available on this day.
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the '%1'-part will be replaced by terms, such as date, name, ...By %1By %1
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