In the
<a href="settings_territories.html">
add the cities that belong to your congregation's territory and the types of territories and addresses you want to use. -
Edit the
<a href="#edit_territory_attributes">
territory attributes</a>
of the selected territory [4]. -
Territory Map
Zoom to a Territory
Double-click a territory in the territory list box.
The map is refreshed and displays the full extent of the selected territory.
Zoom to the Full Extent of the Congregation's Territory
Press the
<img src="../images/fullscreen_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button -
The map is refreshed and displays the full extent of the congregation's territory.
Show/Hide Territories
The map is refreshed and displays the territories according to the current setting.
Show/Hide Markers
The map is refreshed and displays the markers according to the current setting.
Switch Map Edit Mode
It is possible to switch between viewing and editing the map contents.
Depending on the selected mode different functions are available.
Find Territory by Address
Click on the
field. -
Type in the address.
Hit the enter key. Markers show the search result in the map.
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