<span>Time range</span> <br><span>A time range is represented by one of the following moon phase symbols:</span> <br><span>🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (shortest to the longest time range)</span>
Time range</span>
A time range is represented by one of the following moon phase symbols:</span>
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (shortest to the longest time range)</span>
Ajavahemikku tähistab üks järgmistest kuufaasi sümbolitest:</span>
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (lühemast kuni pikima ajavahemikuni)</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">Timeline</a></span> <br><span>A timeline, representing 4 weeks before and after the selected week, may accompany the symbol of the time range classification, and highlights the most recent filtered assignments.</span> <br><span>The closest assignments, independently of any filters, are displayed as an arc below (weekend) or above (midweek) the week's marker. The highlighted part of it represents the assignment's meeting section.</span> <br><span> Assisting or supplementary parts are displayed as outlined symbols.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">
A timeline, representing 4 weeks before and after the selected week, may accompany the symbol of the time range classification, and highlights the most recent filtered assignments.</span>
The closest assignments, independently of any filters, are displayed as an arc below (weekend) or above (midweek) the week's marker. The highlighted part of it represents the assignment's meeting section.</span>
Assisting or supplementary parts are displayed as outlined symbols.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">
Ajaskaala, mis tähistab 4 nädalat enne ja pärast valitud nädalat, võib olla koos ajavahemiku klassifikatsiooni sümboliga ja tõstab esile viimased filtreeritud ülesanded.</span>
Lähimad ülesanded, sõltumata filtritest, kuvatakse kaarena nädala all (nädalavahetus) või üleval (nädala keskpaik). Selle esiletõstetud osa tähistab ülesande koosoleku kavaosa.</span>
Abi- või lisaosad kuvatakse piiritletud sümbolitena.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">History</a></span> <br><span>Up to three additional lines may be used to display a brief historical record in the details. The number of displayed lines can be adjusted in the settings [6].</span> <br><span>In case of assignments, a checkbox indicates completed assignments. Canceled assignments have no checkbox and other labels are striked through. If the role of an assignee in a meeting part is assistant or supplementary, the checkbox is displayed behind a vertical bar.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">
Up to three additional lines may be used to display a brief historical record in the details. The number of displayed lines can be adjusted in the settings [6].</span>
In case of assignments, a checkbox indicates completed assignments. Canceled assignments have no checkbox and other labels are striked through. If the role of an assignee in a meeting part is assistant or supplementary, the checkbox is displayed behind a vertical bar.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">
Lühikese ajalookirje kuvamiseks üksikasjades võib kasutada kuni kolme lisarida. Kuvatavate ridade arvu saab reguleerida sätetes [6].</span>
Ülesannete puhul märgib linnuke tehtud ülesandeid. Tühistatud ülesannetel pole märkeruutu ja muud sildid on läbi kriipsutatud. Kui volitatud isiku roll koosolekuosas on abilise roll, kuvatakse märkeruut vertikaalse riba taga.</span>
Seaded -
how many lines of historical records to display
how many lines of historical records to display
mitu rida ajaloolisi kirjeid kuvada -
whether to include or not parts of other kind of meetings
whether to include or not parts of other kind of meetings
kas lisada muud liiki koosolekute osad või mitte -
the labeling of assignments
the labeling of assignments
ülesannete sildistamine -
The settings are shared by different controls if used for a similar purpose, e.g. to select various <i>student assignments</i>.
The settings are shared by different controls if used for a similar purpose, e.g. to select various
student assignments</i>
.Sätteid jagavad erinevad elemendid, kui neid kasutatakse sarnasel eesmärgil, nt erinevate<i>
valimiseks. -
Reset Default Settings
Reset Default Settings
Taasta algseaded -
Select <strong>Reset default settings</strong> from the menu [6] in the bottom right corner, to restore all settings to their default values.
Reset default settings</strong>
from the menu [6] in the bottom right corner, to restore all settings to their default values.Kõigi<strong>
sätete vaikeväärtuste taastamiseks valige paremas alanurgas olevast menüüst [6] Lähtesta vaikeseaded</strong>
. -
Settings - Life and Ministry Meeting
Settings - Life and Ministry Meeting
Seaded - Kristliku elu ja teenistuse koosolek -
Seaded -
Life and Ministry Meeting
Life and Ministry Meeting
Kristliku elu ja teenistuse koosolek -
Import a Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook
Import a Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook
Impordi Krsitliku elu ja teenistuse töövihik -
Download the <i>Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook</i> in the ePub format from
Download the
Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook</i>
in the ePub format from ePub-vormingus alla<i>
Kristliku Elu- ja Teenistuskoosolekute töövihik</i>
saidilt -
Go to the <strong>Settings</strong> and select the <strong>Life and Ministry Meeting</strong> page.
Go to the
and select the<strong>
Life and Ministry Meeting</strong>
ja valige leht<strong>
Kristliku Elu ja Teenistuse koosolek</strong>
. -
Press the <img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" /> button.
Press the
<img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
button.Vajutage nuppu<img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
. -
Navigate to and select the downloaded ePub-file.
Navigate to and select the downloaded ePub-file.
Liikuge allalaaditud ePub-failile ja valige see. -
Click <strong>OK</strong> when you are notified about the weeks imported.
when you are notified about the weeks imported.Klõpsake nuppu<strong>
, kui teid teavitatakse imporditud nädalate kohta. -
Edit the Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule
Edit the Life and Ministry Meeting Schedule
Muutke Kristliku Elu ja Teenistuse koosolekute ajakava