If the territory is already assigned to someone, the current day is set as <strong>Checked back in</strong> date, and the territory is assigned to the same publisher again with the following day as <strong>Checked out</strong> date.
If the territory is already assigned to someone, the current day is set as
Checked back in</strong>
date, and the territory is assigned to the same publisher again with the following day as<strong>
Checked out</strong>
date.Jos alue on jo lainassa jollakin, kuluva päivä asetetaan<strong>
ja samalla alue annetaan kyseiselle julistajalle seuraava päivä<strong>
päivämääränä. -
Click on the <strong>Publisher</strong> field in the new row to open the drop-down list of publishers and select the publisher to whom the territory should be assigned to.
Click on the
field in the new row to open the drop-down list of publishers and select the publisher to whom the territory should be assigned to.Klikkaa<strong>
kenttää uudella rivillä avataksesi valintalistan ja valitse julistaja, jolle alue annetaan. -
Enter the date in the <strong>Checked Out</strong> field when the territory has been checked out.
Enter the date in the
Checked Out</strong>
field when the territory has been checked out.Kirjoita päivämäärä, jolloin alue on annettu julistajalle,<strong>
kenttään. -
Check Back in
Check Back in
Palauta alue -
Select the row of the publisher in the territory assignments list box to whom the territory has been assigned to.
Select the row of the publisher in the territory assignments list box to whom the territory has been assigned to.
Valitse listalta se rivi, jossa näkyy julistaja, jolla alue on lainassa. -
Enter the date in the <strong>Checked Back In</strong> field when the territory has been turned in.
Enter the date in the
Checked Back In</strong>
field when the territory has been turned in.Kirjoita palautuksen päivämäärä<strong>
kenttään. -
When dates for the assignments are entered, a validation takes place to check for instance if date ranges of different assignments overlap. Invalid date ranges are marked with a red box. If the input cannot be recognized as a valid date, the text color is red and cannot be saved.
When dates for the assignments are entered, a validation takes place to check for instance if date ranges of different assignments overlap. Invalid date ranges are marked with a red box. If the input cannot be recognized as a valid date, the text color is red and cannot be saved.
Kun päivämäärämerkintöjä kirjataan, suoritetaan tarkistus mahdollisten ristiriitojen varalta. Ristiriitaiset päivämäärät näytetään punaisella reunuksella. Jos syötettyä tietoa ei tunnisteta kelvolliseksi päivämääräksi, teksti muuttuu punaiseksi, eikä sitä voi tallentaa. -
Remove an Assignment
Remove an Assignment
Merkinnän poistaminen -
Select the row in the territory assignments list box that you want to remove.
Select the row in the territory assignments list box that you want to remove.
Valitse listalta se rivi, jonka haluat poistaa. -
Click the <img src="../images/territory_discard_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button.
Click the
<img src="../images/territory_discard_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button.Klikkaa<img src="../images/territory_discard_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
painiketta. -
Find Territories Assigned to a Certain Publisher
Find Territories Assigned to a Certain Publisher
Etsi alueet, joka on annettu tietylle julistajalle. -
Select <strong>Publisher</strong> in the <strong>Group by</strong> box.
in the<strong>
Group by</strong>
box.Valitse ryhmittelyksi<strong>
valintalistalta. -
The territory list box displays now the list of publishers who are assigned to a territory. Search for the name of the publisher and expand the corresponding node.
The territory list box displays now the list of publishers who are assigned to a territory. Search for the name of the publisher and expand the corresponding node.
Aluelista näyttää nyt julistajat, joilla on alueita lainassa. Valitse listalta julistaja ja laajenna valinta näyttääksesi hänelle annetut alueet. -
Find Unassigned Territories
Find Unassigned Territories
Etsi lainaamattomat alueet -
Expand the <strong>Not assigned</strong> item.
Expand the
Not assigned</strong>
rivi. -
Click the <img src="../images/territory_check_out_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button on the <strong>Assignments</strong> tab to add a new row in the assignments table.
Click the
<img src="../images/territory_check_out_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button on the<strong>
tab to add a new row in the assignments table. -
Territories - Addresses
Territories - Addresses
Alueet - osoitteet -
Alueet -
Add an Address
Add an Address
Lisää osoite -
Select a territory.
Select a territory.
Valitse alue