<!-- Printing tag: -->PM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Public Meeting
Public Meeting
<!-- Printing tag: -->PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Public Talk
Public Talk
საჯარო მოხსენება -
<!-- Printing tag: -->WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Watchtower Study
Watchtower Study
„საგუშაგო კოშკის“ შესწავლა -
<!-- Printing tag: -->MIDWEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MIDWEEK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Midweek Meeting
Midweek Meeting
შუა კვირის შეხვედრა -
<!-- Printing tag: -->LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Christian Life and Ministry Meeting
Christian Life and Ministry Meeting
<!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Combined Schedule
Combined Schedule
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[Week loop start tag (2; <a href="#common">W</a>)]
[Week loop start tag (2;
<a href="#common">
)] -
<!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[Week loop end tag]
[Week loop end tag]
<!-- Printing tag: -->MIDWEEK_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
<!-- Printing tag: -->
MIDWEEK_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[Midweek meeting loop start tag (3; <a href="printing_tags_mw_meeting.html#overall">MW*</a>)]
[Midweek meeting loop start tag (3;
<a href="printing_tags_mw_meeting.html#overall">
)] -