Select the territory where you want to import the addresses.
Select the territory where you want to import the addresses.
Označi področje kamor želiš uvoziti naslove. -
Click the <img src="../images/import_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button on the <strong>Map</strong> tab.
Click the
<img src="../images/import_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button on the<strong>
tab.Pritisni<img src="../images/import_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
gumb na zavihku<strong>
. -
In the <strong>Import territory data</strong> dialog select the option <strong>Addresses</strong>.
In the
Import territory data</strong>
dialog select the option<strong>
.V oknu<strong>
Uvozi podatke področja</strong>
izberi možnost<strong>
. -
Click on the <img src="../images/browse_folder_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button next to the <strong>Filename</strong> field.
Click on the
<img src="../images/browse_folder_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button next to the<strong>
field.Pritisni na<img src="../images/browse_folder_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
gumb zraven polja<strong>
Ime datoteke</strong>
. -
Select a CSV-file in the <strong>Open file</strong> dialog.
Select a CSV-file in the
Open file</strong>
dialog.Izberi CSV datoteko v oknu<strong>
Odpri datoteko</strong>
. -
In the <strong>Match Fields</strong> box choose the fields of the CSV-file that correspond to the <strong>Address</strong> and the <strong>Name</strong>.
In the
Match Fields</strong>
box choose the fields of the CSV-file that correspond to the<strong>
and the<strong>
. -
The first row of the CSV-file must contain the field names.
The first row of the CSV-file must contain the field names.
Prva vrstica CSV datoteke mora vsebovati imena polj. -
Select an entry in the <strong>Address type</strong> field.
Select an entry in the
Address type</strong>
field.Izberi vnos v polju<strong>
Vrsta naslova</strong>
. -
In order to review addresses that could not be imported you can use the <strong>Output filename for failed addresses</strong> field.
In order to review addresses that could not be imported you can use the
Output filename for failed addresses</strong>
field. -
Click on the <img src="../images/browse_folder_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button next to this field.
Click on the
<img src="../images/browse_folder_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button next to this field.Pritisni na<img src="../images/browse_folder_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
gumb zraven polja. -
Click on the <strong>Import</strong> button.
Click on the
button.Pritisni na gumb<strong>
. -
Edit an Address
Edit an Address
Uredi naslov -
Select an address by either clicking on the marker in the map or a row in the addresses list box.
Select an address by either clicking on the marker in the map or a row in the addresses list box.
Pritisni oznako na zemljevidu ali vrstico na seznamu naslovov, da izbereš naslov. -
Click the <img src="../images/map-marker-edit_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button on the <strong>Addresses</strong> tab to edit the location.
Click the
<img src="../images/map-marker-edit_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button on the<strong>
tab to edit the location.Pritisni na<img src="../images/map-marker-edit_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
gumb na zavihku<strong>
za urejanje lokacije. -
Edit the address components in the <strong>Edit address</strong> dialog.
Edit the address components in the
Edit address</strong>
dialog.Komponente naslova uredi v oknu<strong>
Uredi naslov</strong>
. -
Click in the <strong>Name</strong> field and edit the name.
Click in the
field and edit the name.Pritisni na polje<strong>
in uredi ime. -
Zoom to an Address
Zoom to an Address
Približaj na naslov -
Double-click an address in the addresses list box on the <strong>Addresses</strong> tab.
Double-click an address in the addresses list box on the
tab.Na zavihku<strong>
dvakrat klikni na naslov s seznama naslovov. -
Switch to the <strong>Map</strong> tab.
Switch to the
tab.Preklopi na zavihek<strong>
. -
The map is refreshed and displays the selected address in the center.
The map is refreshed and displays the selected address in the center.
Zemljevid je osvežen in prikazuje izbran naslov.