Access control settings will be removed locally and the data in TheocBase will be cleared, if it was shared by someone else.
Access control settings will be removed locally and the data in TheocBase will be cleared, if it was shared by someone else.
Before editing data, make sure you have loaded the recent changes and likewise synchronize also when you have finished your editing. Otherwise, if similar changes can be found in the cloud, your local changes may be overwritten as you synchronize; as administrator you will be notified about such a conflict.
Before editing data, make sure you have loaded the recent changes and likewise synchronize also when you have finished your editing. Otherwise, if similar changes can be found in the cloud, your local changes may be overwritten as you synchronize; as administrator you will be notified about such a conflict.
Pred urejanjem podatkov preveri, ali si naložil zadnje spremembe, po končanem urejanju pa ne pozabi podatkov še sinhronizirati. V nasprotnem primeru se lahko zgodi, da bodo lokalne spremembe med sinhronizacijo prepisane, če bodo podobne spremembe že obstajale v oblaku; kot skrbnik boš o takšnem sporu obveščen. -
On synchronizing as <strong>administrator</strong> with another device after this time, a dialog appears with the message, that the cloud data has been deleted. The dialog needs to be confirmed with <strong>Yes</strong> or <strong>Continue</strong>, in order to discard the local data on that device and replace it by the cloud data. As a <strong>non-administrator</strong> these steps take place automatically.
On synchronizing as
with another device after this time, a dialog appears with the message, that the cloud data has been deleted. The dialog needs to be confirmed with<strong>
, in order to discard the local data on that device and replace it by the cloud data. As a<strong>
these steps take place automatically.Če boš po tem času kot<strong>
sinhroniziral podatke z drugo napravo, se ti bo prikazalo pogovorno okno s sporočilom, da so bili podatki v oblaku izbrisani. V pogovornem oknu je treba izbrati<strong>
, da se lokalni podatki na tej napravi zavržejo in nadomestijo s podatki v oblaku. Če<strong>
nisi skrbnik</strong>
, se ti koraki izvedejo samodejno. -
Click on the <strong>Yes</strong> button and confirm to delete the cloud data.
Click on the
button and confirm to delete the cloud data.Klikni na gumb<strong>
in potrdi brisanje podatkov v oblaku. -
Settings - Access Control
Settings - Access Control
Nastavitve - nadzor dostopa -
Nastavitve -
Access Control
Access Control
Nadzor dostopa -
The following list provides the available roles with their respective permissions:
The following list provides the available roles with their respective permissions:
Na naslednjem seznamu so navedene razpoložljive vloge in dovoljenja za vsako vlogo: -
<strong>Publisher:</strong> View and print midweek and weekend meeting schedule; view the congregation's territory; view special events
View and print midweek and weekend meeting schedule; view the congregation's territory; view special events<strong>
Lahko vidi in natisne razpored shodov med tednom in ob koncu tedna; lahko vidi občinsko področje; lahko vidi posebne dogodke -
<strong>Elder:</strong> View congregation settings, list of public talks, songs and publishers
View congregation settings, list of public talks, songs and publishers<strong>
Lahko vidi občinske nastavitve, seznam javnih govorov, pesmi in oznanjevalce -
<strong>Public Talk Coordinator:</strong> Edit weekend meeting schedule and settings, special events; manage list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets
Public Talk Coordinator:</strong>
Edit weekend meeting schedule and settings, special events; manage list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets<strong>
Koordinator javnih govorov:</strong>
Lahko ureja razpored in nastavitve shoda ob koncu tedna, posebne dogodke; lahko ureja seznam javnih govornikov; lahko natisne razporede, povezane s shodi ob koncu tedna -
<strong>Territory Servant:</strong> Edit publishers, territories and corresponding settings; print all territory related sheets
Territory Servant:</strong>
Edit publishers, territories and corresponding settings; print all territory related sheets<strong>
Služabnik za področja:</strong>
Lahko ureja oznanjevalce, področja in temu ustrezne nastavitve; lahko natisne liste, povezane s področji -
<strong>Service Overseer:</strong> View territory assignments and addresses; print all territory related sheets
Service Overseer:</strong>
View territory assignments and addresses; print all territory related sheets<strong>
Službeni nadzornik:</strong>
Lahko vidi dodeljena področja in naslove; lahko natisne liste, povezane s področji -
<strong>Secretary:</strong> Edit publishers
Edit publishers<strong>
Lahko ureja oznanjevalce -
<strong>Coordinator of the Body of Elders:</strong> Edit publishers, special events, midweek meeting schedule and settings; view weekend meeting settings, permissions and list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets
Coordinator of the Body of Elders:</strong>
Edit publishers, special events, midweek meeting schedule and settings; view weekend meeting settings, permissions and list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets<strong>
Koordinator starešinstva:</strong>
Lahko ureja oznanjevalce, posebne dogodke, razpored shoda med tednom in nastavitve; lahko vidi nastavitve shoda ob koncu tedna, dovoljenja in seznam javnih govornikov; lahko natisne liste, povezane s shodom ob koncu tedna -
Assign a Role to a User
Assign a Role to a User
Dodeli vlogo uporabniku -
In the <strong>Settings</strong> select the <strong>Access Control</strong> page.
In the
select the<strong>
Access Control</strong>
page. -
Opomba: -
Only those users appear in the list, that have already access to the shared TheocBase folder in your DropBox account. It is possible to assign multiple roles.
Only those users appear in the list, that have already access to the shared TheocBase folder in your DropBox account. It is possible to assign multiple roles.
Restart TheocBase to apply the changes.
Restart TheocBase to apply the changes.
Ponovno zaženi TheocBase, da bodo spremembe začele veljati.