Midweek Meeting
Midweek Meeting
Shod med tednom -
Opombe -
Weekend Meeting
Weekend Meeting
Shod ob koncu tedna -
Midweek Meeting
Midweek Meeting
Shod med tednom -
Weekend Meeting
Weekend Meeting
Shod ob koncu tedna -
Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting
Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting
Shod Naše krščansko življenje in oznanjevanje -
Meeting for Field Service
Meeting for Field Service
Shod za terensko službo -
Treasures From God's Word
Treasures From God's Word
Zakladi iz Božje Besede -
Apply Yourself To The Field Ministry
Apply Yourself To The Field Ministry
Izurimo se v oznanjevanju -
Living As Christians
Living As Christians
Krščansko življenje -
Public Talk
Public Talk
Javni govor -
Watchtower Study
Watchtower Study
Preučevanje Stražnega stolpa -
Predsedujoči -
Svetovalec -
Song and Prayer
Song and Prayer
Pesem in molitev -
Spiritual Gems
Spiritual Gems
Duhovni dragulji -
Bible Reading
Bible Reading
Branje Biblije -
Initial Call
Initial Call
Prvi pogovor -
Return Visit
Return Visit
Ponovni obisk -
Bible Study
Bible Study
Svetopisemski tečaj
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