The following list provides the available roles with their respective permissions:
The following list provides the available roles with their respective permissions:
Na naslednjem seznamu so navedene razpoložljive vloge in dovoljenja za vsako vlogo: -
<strong>Publisher:</strong> View and print midweek and weekend meeting schedule; view the congregation's territory; view special events
View and print midweek and weekend meeting schedule; view the congregation's territory; view special events<strong>
Lahko vidi in natisne razpored shodov med tednom in ob koncu tedna; lahko vidi občinsko področje; lahko vidi posebne dogodke -
<strong>Elder:</strong> View congregation settings, list of public talks, songs and publishers
View congregation settings, list of public talks, songs and publishers<strong>
Lahko vidi občinske nastavitve, seznam javnih govorov, pesmi in oznanjevalce -
<strong>Public Talk Coordinator:</strong> Edit weekend meeting schedule and settings, special events; manage list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets
Public Talk Coordinator:</strong>
Edit weekend meeting schedule and settings, special events; manage list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets<strong>
Koordinator javnih govorov:</strong>
Lahko ureja razpored in nastavitve shoda ob koncu tedna, posebne dogodke; lahko ureja seznam javnih govornikov; lahko natisne razporede, povezane s shodi ob koncu tedna -
<strong>Territory Servant:</strong> Edit publishers, territories and corresponding settings; print all territory related sheets
Territory Servant:</strong>
Edit publishers, territories and corresponding settings; print all territory related sheets<strong>
Služabnik za področja:</strong>
Lahko ureja oznanjevalce, področja in temu ustrezne nastavitve; lahko natisne liste, povezane s področji -
<strong>Service Overseer:</strong> View territory assignments and addresses; print all territory related sheets
Service Overseer:</strong>
View territory assignments and addresses; print all territory related sheets<strong>
Službeni nadzornik:</strong>
Lahko vidi dodeljena področja in naslove; lahko natisne liste, povezane s področji -
<strong>Secretary:</strong> Edit publishers
Edit publishers<strong>
Lahko ureja oznanjevalce -
<strong>Coordinator of the Body of Elders:</strong> Edit publishers, special events, midweek meeting schedule and settings; view weekend meeting settings, permissions and list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets
Coordinator of the Body of Elders:</strong>
Edit publishers, special events, midweek meeting schedule and settings; view weekend meeting settings, permissions and list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets<strong>
Koordinator starešinstva:</strong>
Lahko ureja oznanjevalce, posebne dogodke, razpored shoda med tednom in nastavitve; lahko vidi nastavitve shoda ob koncu tedna, dovoljenja in seznam javnih govornikov; lahko natisne liste, povezane s shodom ob koncu tedna -
Assign a Role to a User
Assign a Role to a User
Dodeli vlogo uporabniku -
In the <strong>Settings</strong> select the <strong>Access Control</strong> page.
In the
select the<strong>
Access Control</strong>
page. -
Opomba: -
Only those users appear in the list, that have already access to the shared TheocBase folder in your DropBox account. It is possible to assign multiple roles.
Only those users appear in the list, that have already access to the shared TheocBase folder in your DropBox account. It is possible to assign multiple roles.
Restart TheocBase to apply the changes.
Restart TheocBase to apply the changes.
Ponovno zaženi TheocBase, da bodo spremembe začele veljati. -
After the list of users is loaded, select in the user's row the check box of the role that should be assigned.
After the list of users is loaded, select in the user's row the check box of the role that should be assigned.
<strong>Administrator:</strong> Edit congregation settings and user permissions; delete cloud data
Edit congregation settings and user permissions; delete cloud data<strong>
Skrbnik aplikacije:</strong>
Lahko ureja občinske nastavitve in uporabniška dovoljenja; lahko izbriše podatke v oblaku -
Getting Started
Getting Started
Pa začnimo -
TheocBase uses role-based access control for users that have access to the shared data in the cloud. Roles provide a set of permissions. Thus a person assigned to a certain role is granted the set of permissions provided by that role.
TheocBase uses role-based access control for users that have access to the shared data in the cloud. Roles provide a set of permissions. Thus a person assigned to a certain role is granted the set of permissions provided by that role.
TheocBase za uporabnike, ki imajo dostop do deljenih podatkov v oblaku, uporablja nadzor dostopa na podlagi dodeljenih vlog. Od posameznikove vloge je odvisen nabor dovoljenj. Tako je osebi, ki ji je dodeljena določena vloga, dodeljen nabor dovoljenj, ki jih omogoča ta vloga. -
By default, each user is automatically assigned to the basic <strong>Publisher</strong> role. The exception to this is the one person who shares the data file. That person is always assigned the <strong>Administrator</strong> role. It is also possible to assign the <strong>Administrator</strong> role to an additional user to assist with administrator functions.
By default, each user is automatically assigned to the basic
role. The exception to this is the one person who shares the data file. That person is always assigned the<strong>
role. It is also possible to assign the<strong>
role to an additional user to assist with administrator functions.Vsakemu uporabniku je že samodejno dodeljena osnovna vloga<strong>
. Izjema je tista oseba, ki deli podatkovno datoteko. Tej osebi je vedno dodeljena vloga<strong>
. Vlogo<strong>
je mogoče dodeliti še enemu drugemu uporabniku, da lahko pomaga pri administratorskih nalogah. -
The administrator’s role centers around maintaining and setting up the basic environment. This includes granting other users and himself any roles needed to accomplish the tasks related to that user’s assignments in the congregation.
The administrator’s role centers around maintaining and setting up the basic environment. This includes granting other users and himself any roles needed to accomplish the tasks related to that user’s assignments in the congregation.
Osnovna naloga administratorja je vzdrževanje in vzpostavitev osnovnega okolja. K temu spada to, da drugim uporabnikom in sebi dodeli vloge, ki jih potrebujejo, da bi lahko v občini opravili naloge, ki so jim dodeljene. -
The <strong>Administrator</strong> role does NOT inherently include all other permissions. This is in order to allow the owner of the cloud storage to work safely with the data files while limiting his access to only the necessary information. In case of a need, though, he can temporarily grant himself more roles/permissions to fix an issue.
role does NOT inherently include all other permissions. This is in order to allow the owner of the cloud storage to work safely with the data files while limiting his access to only the necessary information. In case of a need, though, he can temporarily grant himself more roles/permissions to fix an issue.Vloga<strong>
sama po sebi NE vključuje vseh drugih dovoljenj. Tako lahko lastnik shrambe v oblaku varno dela s podatkovnimi datotekami, pri čemer svoj dostop omeji samo na nujno potrebne informacije. Vendar pa si lahko, če je to potrebno, začasno dodeli več vlog/dovoljenj, da odpravi kako težavo.