<-- Printing tag: -->SUM<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
SUM<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
SUM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
Sum -
<-- Printing tag: -->ADDRESS_START<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
ADDRESS_START<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ADDRESS_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[תג התחלת לולאה של כתובות (4)]
[תג התחלת לולאה של כתובות (4)]
[Addresses loop start tag (4)] -
<-- Printing tag: -->ADDRESS_END<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
ADDRESS_END<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
ADDRESS_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
4 -
<-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_STREETS<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_STREETS<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_STREETS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
רשימת רחובות
רשימת רחובות
Street List -
<-- Printing tag: -->TITLE_MAP_STREETS<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_MAP_STREETS<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TITLE_MAP_STREETS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
מפת שטח עם רשימת רחובות
מפת שטח עם רשימת רחובות
Territory Map with Street List -
<-- Printing tag: -->STREET_START<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
STREET_START<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STREET_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[תג התחלת לולאה ברחובות (4)]
[תג התחלת לולאה ברחובות (4)]
[Streets loop start tag (4)] -
<-- Printing tag: -->STREET_END<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
STREET_END<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
STREET_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
[תגית סיום לולאת רחובות]
[תגית סיום לולאת רחובות]
[Streets loop end tag] -
<-- Printing tag: -->TS_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
TS_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TS_STREET<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{שם הרחוב}
{שם הרחוב}
{name of the street} -
<-- Printing tag: -->TS_FROM_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
TS_FROM_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TS_FROM_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{מספר הרחוב הנמוך ביותר}
{מספר הרחוב הנמוך ביותר}
{lowest street number} -
<-- Printing tag: -->TS_TO_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<-- Printing tag: -->
TS_TO_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. --!>
<!-- Printing tag: -->
TS_TO_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
{מספר הרחוב הגבוה ביותר}
{מספר הרחוב הגבוה ביותר}
{highest street number}