დააჯგუფე კრებების მიხედვით
დააჯგუფე კრებების მიხედვით
Group by congregation -
Group by circuit
Group by circuit
Group by circuit -
ინფორმაცია კრებაზე
ინფორმაცია კრებაზე
Congregation Details -
Meeting Times
Meeting Times
Meeting Times -
პერსონალური ინფორმაცია
პერსონალური ინფორმაცია
Personal Info -
This version of the application (%1) is older than the database (%2). There is a strong probability that error messages will popup and changes may not be saved correctly. Please download and install the latest version for best results.
This version of the application (%1) is older than the database (%2). There is a strong probability that error messages will popup and changes may not be saved correctly. Please download and install the latest version for best results.
This version of the application (%1) is older than the database (%2). There is a strong probability that error messages will popup and changes may not be saved correctly. Please download and install the latest version for best results. -
Sister -
Brother -
ძვირფასო %1 %2
ძვირფასო %1 %2
Dear %1 %2 -
გთხოვ იხილო დავალების დეტალები:
გთხოვ იხილო დავალების დეტალები:
Please find below details of your upcoming assignment: -
საუკეთესო სურვილებით
საუკეთესო სურვილებით
Regards -
მისამართის ტიპი
მისამართის ტიპი
Address types -
ტიპის ნომერი
ტიპის ნომერი
Type number: -
Name: -
Color: -
#0000ff -
Discontinuing this talk will move talks scheduled with this outline to the To Do List.
Discontinuing this talk will move talks scheduled with this outline to the To Do List.
Discontinuing this talk will move talks scheduled with this outline to the To Do List.
Color -
Number of address type is missing
Number of address type is missing
Number of address type is missing -
Name of address type is missing
Name of address type is missing
Name of address type is missing
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