Nuo numerio
Nuo numerio
From number -
Iki numerio
Iki numerio
To number -
Quantity -
Type -
Geometry -
Add new street
Add new street
Add new street -
Remove selected street
Remove selected street
Remove selected street -
Split territory
Split territory
Split territory -
Do you want to assign overlapping areas to the current territory? Select 'No' if overlapping areas should remain in their territories and to add only the part, that doesn't overlap other territories.
Do you want to assign overlapping areas to the current territory?
Select 'No' if overlapping areas should remain in their territories and to add only the part, that doesn't overlap other territories.Do you want to assign overlapping areas to the current territory?
Select 'No' if overlapping areas should remain in their territories and to add only the part, that doesn't overlap other territories. -
The new boundary overlaps %n territory(ies):
The new boundary overlaps %n territory(ies):
oneThis plural form is used for numbers like: 1The new boundary overlaps %n territory:
otherThis plural form is used for numbers like: everything elseThe new boundary overlaps %n territories:
Join to the selected territory
Join to the selected territory
Join to the selected territory -
Show/hide streets
Show/hide streets
Show/hide streets -
Add songs. Copy all data to clipboard and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V). Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.
Add songs. Copy all data to clipboard and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V).
Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.Add songs. Copy all data to clipboard and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V).
Number should be in the first column and theme in the second. -
Kalbos parinktys
Kalbos parinktys
Language Options -
Pagrindinė salė
Pagrindinė salė
Main hall -
Antroji salė
Antroji salė
Auxiliary classroom 1 -
Trečioji salė
Trečioji salė
Auxiliary classroom 2 -
Užduotis bus atliekama
Užduotis bus atliekama
To be given in -
Pagrindinėje salėje
Pagrindinėje salėje
Main hall -
Antrojoje salėje
Antrojoje salėje
Auxiliary classroom 1
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Number range of addresses in the street