Assignment -
Study -
Theme -
Source material -
The same changes can be found both locally and in the cloud (%1 rows). Do you want to keep the local changes?
The same changes can be found both locally and in the cloud (%1 rows). Do you want to keep the local changes?
The same changes can be found both locally and in the cloud (%1 rows). Do you want to keep the local changes? -
Oglej si podatke učenca
Oglej si podatke učenca
View student data -
Uredi podatke učenca
Uredi podatke učenca
Edit student data -
Poglej prednosti
Poglej prednosti
View privileges -
Uredi prednosti
Uredi prednosti
Edit privileges -
Ogled zgodovine govorov na shodih med tednom
Ogled zgodovine govorov na shodih med tednom
View midweek meeting talk history -
Ogled razpoložljivosti
Ogled razpoložljivosti
View availabilities -
Urejanje razpoložljivosti
Urejanje razpoložljivosti
Edit availabilities -
Secretary -
Službeni nadzornik
Službeni nadzornik
Service Overseer -
Version conflict: The cloud changes have been made with a newer version!
Version conflict: The cloud changes have been made with a newer version!
Version conflict: The cloud changes have been made with a newer version! -
Version conflict: The cloud data needs to be updated with the same version by an authorized user.
Version conflict: The cloud data needs to be updated with the same version by an authorized user.
Version conflict: The cloud data needs to be updated with the same version by an authorized user. -
Odstrani podatke v oblaku
Odstrani podatke v oblaku
Delete cloud data -
Streets -
Vrste ulic
Vrste ulic
Street types -
Manjka ime vrste ulice
Manjka ime vrste ulice
Name of the street type is missing
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