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cpe_011 - English-base...
af - Afrikaans
ak_GH - Akan, Ghana
ar - Arabic
ay - Aymara
az_AZ - Azeri, Azerbaijan
bg - Bulgarian
bi - Bislama
bnt_chich - Bantu Chichewa
ceb - Cebuano
cpe_011 - English-based Creole or Pidgin West African
cpf_gcf - French-based Creole or Pidgin Guadeloupean Creole
cs - Czech
da - Danish
de - German
de_LU - German, Luxembourg
ee - Ewe
el - Greek
en - English
en_BZ - English, Belize
es - Spanish
et - Estonian
fi - Finnish
fon - Fon
fr - French
gn - Guarani
guw - Gun
he - Hebrew
hi - Hindi
hr - Croatian
ht - Haitian
hu - Hungarian
hy - Armenian
id_ID - Indonesian, Indonesia
ilo - Iloko
it - Italian
ka - Georgian
ko - Korean
ln - Lingala
lt - Lithuanian
lv_LV - Latvian, Latvia
my_MM - Burmese, Myanmar [Burma]
ne - Nepali
nl - Dutch
no - Norwegian Bokmål
nv - Navajo
pa - Punjabi
pa_PK - Punjabi, Pakistan
pl - Polish
pt - Portuguese
pt_BR - Portuguese, Brazil
ro - Romanian
rom_rm - Romany Macedonian
ru - Russian
sk - Slovak
sl - Slovenian
sm - Samoan
sq - Albanian
sr - Serbian
sv - Swedish
sw - Swahili
ta - Tamil
th_TH - Thai, Thailand
tl - Tagalog
tr_TR - Turkish, Turkey
ts - Tsonga
tw - Twi
uk - Ukrainian
ur - Urdu
vi - Vietnamese
xh - Xhosa
zh - Chinese
en - English
en - English
af - Afrikaans
ak_GH - Akan, Ghana
ar - Arabic
ay - Aymara
az_AZ - Azeri, Azerbaijan
bg - Bulgarian
bi - Bislama
bnt_chich - Bantu Chichewa
ceb - Cebuano
cpf_gcf - French-based Creole or Pidgin Guadeloupean Creole
ee - Ewe
el - Greek
cpe_011 - English-based Creole or Pidgin West African
de - German
et - Estonian
da - Danish
cs - Czech
ko - Korean
de_LU - German, Luxembourg
no - Norwegian Bokmål
en_BZ - English, Belize
hr - Croatian
es - Spanish
ne - Nepali
nv - Navajo
pl - Polish
pt - Portuguese
pt_BR - Portuguese, Brazil
sl - Slovenian
sm - Samoan
sq - Albanian
sv - Swedish
fi - Finnish
fon - Fon
gn - Guarani
hi - Hindi
ht - Haitian
it - Italian
hu - Hungarian
fr - French
he - Hebrew
hy - Armenian
id_ID - Indonesian, Indonesia
ka - Georgian
sk - Slovak
sr - Serbian
sw - Swahili
tr_TR - Turkish, Turkey
ts - Tsonga
guw - Gun
ilo - Iloko
ln - Lingala
pa - Punjabi
lt - Lithuanian
ur - Urdu
lv_LV - Latvian, Latvia
rom_rm - Romany Macedonian
xh - Xhosa
my_MM - Burmese, Myanmar [Burma]
nl - Dutch
ro - Romanian
ta - Tamil
uk - Ukrainian
tl - Tagalog
tw - Twi
pa_PK - Punjabi, Pakistan
ru - Russian
th_TH - Thai, Thailand
vi - Vietnamese
zh - Chinese
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01 February, 2024 13:37
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