

  1. Add public talk's subjects. Copy themes and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V). Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.
    Add public talk's subjects. Copy themes and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V). Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.

    Add public talk's subjects. Copy themes and paste below (Ctrl + V / cmd + V). 
    Number should be in the first column and theme in the second.

    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. 添加公众演讲的题目。将题目粘贴在下面 (Ctrl + V / cmd + V)。 第一栏为编号,第二栏为主题。
    添加公众演讲的题目将题目粘贴在下面 (Ctrl + V / cmd + V)。 
    changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard