24 Jun from 4:32pm to 4:35pm
Flo changed 9 translations in English and French on [Old] Manager. Hide changes

In English:

  2. Tweet successfully removed.
    Tweet successfully removed.

    Tweet successfully removed.

    changed by Flo .
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  2. Sorry, the Tweet could not be removed.
    Sorry, the Tweet could not be removed.

    Sorry, the Tweet could not be removed.

    changed by Flo .
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  2. This Tweet will be removed from this view. Are you sure?
    This Tweet will be removed from this view. Are you sure?

    This Tweet will be removed from this view.  Are you sure?

    changed by Flo .
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  1. This Tweet will be removed from this view. Are you sure?
    This Tweet will be removed from this view. Are you sure?

    This Tweet will be removed from this view.  Are you sure?

    changed by Flo .
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  2. This Tweet will be removed from this view. Are you sure?
    This Tweet will be removed from this view. Are you sure?

    This Tweet will be removed from this view. Are you sure?

    changed by Flo .
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  1. This Tweet will be permanently deleted. Are you sure?
    This Tweet will be permanently deleted. Are you sure?

    This Tweet will be permanently deleted.  Are you sure?

    changed by Benoit Hediard .
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  2. This Tweet will be permanently deleted from Twitter. Are you sure?
    This Tweet will be permanently deleted from Twitter. Are you sure?

    This Tweet will be permanently deleted from Twitter. Are you sure?

    changed by Flo .
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In French:

  2. Ce Tweet sera retiré de cette vue. Êtes-vous sûr(e) ?
    Ce Tweet sera retiré de cette vue. Êtes-vous sûr(e) ?
    changed by Flo .
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  1. Ce Tweet sera définitivement supprimé. Êtes-vous sûr(e) ?
    Ce Tweet sera définitivement supprimé. Êtes-vous sûr(e) ?
    changed by Sébastien Gendreau .
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  2. Ce Tweet sera définitivement supprimé de Twitter. Êtes-vous sûr(e) ?
    Ce Tweet sera définitivement supprimé de Twitter. Êtes-vous sûr(e) ?
    changed by Flo .
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  2. Le Tweet a bien été retiré.
    Le Tweet a bien été retiré.
    changed by Flo .
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  2. Désolé, le Tweet n'a pas pu être retiré.
    Désolé, le Tweet n'a pas pu être retiré.
    changed by Flo .
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24 Jun from 4:32pm to 4:35pm