13 Oct from 1:51pm to 1:54pm
Benoit Hediard changed 5 translations in English, Portuguese, French, Spanish and German on [Old] Manager. Hide changes

In English:

  2. Tell visitors why they should fill in the form.
    Tell visitors why they should fill in the form.

    Tell visitors why they should fill in the form.

    changed by Benoit Hediard .
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In Portuguese:

  2. Diga aos visitantes porque devem preencher o formulário.
    Diga aos visitantes porque devem preencher o formulário.
    changed by Benoit Hediard .
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In French:

  2. Indiquez à vos visiteurs pourquoi ils devraient remplir le formulaire.
    Indiquez à vos visiteurs pourquoi ils devraient remplir le formulaire.
    changed by Benoit Hediard .
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In Spanish:

  2. Explica a los visitantes por qué deberían llenar el formulario.
    Explica a los visitantes por qué deberían llenar el formulario.
    changed by Benoit Hediard .
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In German:

  2. Informieren Sie die Besucher wieso Sie das Formular ausfüllen sollen.
    Informieren Sie die Besucher wieso Sie das Formular ausfüllen sollen.
    changed by Benoit Hediard .
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13 Oct from 1:51pm to 1:54pm