
  1. You don’t have access to any ad account. If you are not the person managing ads for that page, ask the person in charge to give you access to that ad account with the role “ad account advertiser”. Then, click the “refresh ad token” again and you should be good to go.
    You don’t have access to any ad account. If you are not the person managing ads for that page, ask the person in charge to give you access to that ad account with the role “ad account advertiser”. Then, click the “refresh ad token” again and you should be good to go.

    You dont have access to any ad account. If you are not the person managing ads for that page, ask the person in charge to give you access to that ad account with the rolead account advertiser”. Then, click therefresh ad tokenagain and you should be good to go.

    changed by Jv .
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  2. You don’t have access to an ad account. Please ask the person managing ads for this profile to give you access to the ad account with the role “ad account advertiser”. Then, click the “refresh ad token” button again and you'll be good to go
    You don’t have access to an ad account. Please ask the person managing ads for this profile to give you access to the ad account with the role “ad account advertiser”. Then, click the “refresh ad token” button again and you'll be good to go

    You dont have access to an ad account. Please ask the person managing ads for this profile to give you access to the ad account with the rolead account advertiser”. Then, click therefresh ad tokenbutton again and you'll be good to go

    changed via the API .
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