You will no longer receive notifications for this item.
You will no longer receive notifications for this item.
Ya no recibirás más notificaciones de este elemento. -
Dejar de seguir -
Seguir -
, and
, and
y -
y -
, -
Please select
Please select
Elige una opción -
You're currently looking at archived tasks. These are tasks that have been closed.
You're currently looking at archived tasks. These are tasks that have been closed.
Estas son las tareas archivadas, al haber sido completadas o rechazadas. -
All Archived Tasks
All Archived Tasks
Todas las tareas archivadas -
You don't have permission to create tasks in this project
You don't have permission to create tasks in this project
No tienes permiso para crear tareas en este proyecto. -
New Task List
New Task List
Nueva lista de tareas -
Subscribe to the news feed
Subscribe to the news feed
Suscríbete a las tareas -
The Task List <b>%{name}</b> was successfully deleted!
The Task List
was successfully deleted!La lista<b>
ha sido borrada! -
Update Task List
Update Task List
Actualizar -
Name must not be blankName must not be blankEl nombre no puede estar vacío
Name is must be shorter than 255 characters
Name is must be shorter than 255 characters
El nombre no puede superar 255 caracteres -
End on... <i>optional</i>
End on...
Termina el...<i>
Choose a name for this Task List <i>eg. Prepare a Prototype</i>
Choose a name for this Task List
eg. Prepare a Prototype</i>
Lista de Tareas -
Starts on... <i>optional</i>
Starts on...
Empieza el...<i>
A task lists defines a milestone for your project. Inside a task list you can create Tasks and assign them to people.
A task lists defines a milestone for your project. Inside a task list you can create Tasks and assign them to people.
Una lista de tareas define un hito en el proyecto. Dentro puedes crear Tareas y asignarlas a otras personas.
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