Now that you understand aspects, let’s make some connections.
Now that you understand aspects, let’s make some connections.
Nou dat jy aspekte verstaan, kom ons maak 'n paar verbindings. -
Part 4 – Finding and connecting with people
Part 4 – Finding and connecting with people
Deel 4 – Vind en konnekteer met mense -
How to connect with people
How to connect with people
Hoe met mense te konnekteer -
It’s now time to add some contacts to the “Diaspora” aspect you just created. If you already know people who are using diaspora*, you can find them and add them to any aspect you like.
It’s now time to add some contacts to the “Diaspora” aspect you just created. If you already know people who are using diaspora*, you can find them and add them to any aspect you like.
Nou is dit tyd om 'n paar kontakte by die "Diaspora" aspek wat jy nou net geskep het te voeg. As jy reeds mense ken wat diaspora* gebruik, kan jy hulle vind en by enige aspek voeg wat jy wil. -
Deling -
We call connecting with someone “sharing” because it’s an indication that you want to share content with them. Sharing in diaspora* can seem a bit confusing at first, because your levels of sharing with other people are unlikely to be the same as their levels of sharing with you. Let’s try to make sense of what that means.
We call connecting with someone “sharing” because it’s an indication that you want to share content with them. Sharing in diaspora* can seem a bit confusing at first, because your levels of sharing with other people are unlikely to be the same as their levels of sharing with you. Let’s try to make sense of what that means.
Ons noem verbinding met iemand "deling", want dit is 'n aanduiding dat jy wil met hulle inhoud deel. Deling in diaspora * kan 'n bietjie verwarrend in die begin lyk, want jou deling vlakke met ander mense is onwaarskynlik om dieselfde te wees as hul deling vlakke met jou. Kom ons probeer te verstaan wat dit beteken. -
On diaspora* there are three types of relations between users:
On diaspora* there are three types of relations between users:
Op diaspora* is daar drie soorte verhoudings tussen die gebruikers: -
Volg -
Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you haven’t done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person has “started sharing with you” but you won’t notice any other change.
Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you haven’t done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person has “started sharing with you” but you won’t notice any other change.
Iemand het jou in een van hul aspekte geplaas, maar jy het nie dieselfde vir hulle gedoen nie. Jy sal 'n kennisgewing kry dat hierdie persoon "met jou begin te deel" het, maar jy sal nie enige ander verskil agterkom nie. -
They will see your public posts in their stream, but none of your limited posts.
They will see your public posts in their stream, but none of your limited posts.
Hulle sal jou publieke plasings sien in hul stroom, maar niks van jou beperkte plaasings nie. -
There’s no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasons – it’s their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
There’s no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasons – it’s their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
Daar is geen manier om te weet in watter aspek iemand anders jou geplaas het nie, vir privaatheid redes - dit is hul besigheid in watter van hul aspekte hulle elke persoon plaas, so niemand anders kan dit uitvind nie. -
Volg -
You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
Jy deel met 'n persoon wat nie met jou deel nie. Dit beteken dat jy hulle by een (of meer) van jou aspekte gevoeg het, maar hulle het nie jou bygevoeg tot hul aspekte nie. -
The person you are following will have access to posts you have made to the aspect(s) you have placed them in as well as your public posts, and you will start receiving their public posts in your stream.
The person you are following will have access to posts you have made to the aspect(s) you have placed them in as well as your public posts, and you will start receiving their public posts in your stream.
Die persoon wat jy volg het toegang tot die aspek (te) waarin jy hulle geplaas het, dit sluit in die plasings wat jy in daardie aspekte maak, asook jou openbare plaasings. Jy sal ook hulle ontvangs van hul openbare plasings begin te kry in jou stroom. -
Mutual sharing
Mutual sharing
Wedersydse deling -
If two of you have started sharing with each other, things get more interesting, and more complicated! This can be compared to being “friends” on Facebook, although there are important differences.
If two of you have started sharing with each other, things get more interesting, and more complicated! This can be compared to being “friends” on Facebook, although there are important differences.
As al twee van julle het met mekaarbegin te deel, is dinge meer interessant, en meer ingewikkeld! Dit kan vergelyk word met "vriende"-wees op Facebook, maar daar is belangrike verskille. -
When there’s a mutual connection, the two of you have each indicated a desire to see posts from the other, so each of you will see limited posts made by the other person to the aspect(s) into which the other has placed you. However, your sharing with each other might be very different. Think of the following scenario:
When there’s a mutual connection, the two of you have each indicated a desire to see posts from the other, so each of you will see limited posts made by the other person to the aspect(s) into which the other has placed you. However, your sharing with each other might be very different. Think of the following scenario:
As daar 'n onderlinge konneksie is, al twee van julle het aan mekaar 'n begeerte gedui om boodskappe van die ander te sien, dus sal elkeen van julle beperkte plasings sien wat deur die ander persoon geskep is in die aspek (te) waarin die ander jou geplaas het. Dit is moontlik dat julle delings met mekaar anders sal wees. Dink aan die volgende scenario: -
You consider Jill a slight acquaintance, and put her in your “Acquaintances” aspect.
You consider Jill a slight acquaintance, and put her in your “Acquaintances” aspect.
Jy beskou Jill 'n effense kennis, en plaas haar in die "kennisse" aspek. -
Jill, however, thinks of you one of her best friends, and puts you in her “Close friends” aspect.
Jill, however, thinks of you one of her best friends, and puts you in her “Close friends” aspect.
Jill dink egter van jou soos een van haar beste vriende, en sy plaas jou in haar "Goeie vriende" aspek. -
You post most things only to your “Friends” or “Family” aspects, so Jill doesn’t see many of your posts.
You post most things only to your “Friends” or “Family” aspects, so Jill doesn’t see many of your posts.
Jy plaas meeste dinge net in die "vriende" of "familie" aspekte, so Jill sien nie baie van jou plasings nie.