Additional tutorials
Additional tutorials
Addisionele tutoriale -
Connecting diaspora* to other services
Connecting diaspora* to other services
Verbind diaspora* met ander dienste -
Tips and tricks
Tips and tricks
Wenke en toertjies -
Formatting text
Formatting text
Teksformatering -
Want more help?
Want more help?
Meer help nodig? -
Check our %{other_docs_link} page for links to other sites.
Check our %{other_docs_link} page for links to other sites.
Bekyk ons %{other_docs_link} bladsy vir skakels na ander webwerwe. -
other documentation
other documentation
ander dokumentasie -
Huge thanks to Kevin Kleinman, who created the original Diasporial guides on which these tutorials are based.
Huge thanks to Kevin Kleinman, who created the original Diasporial guides on which these tutorials are based.
'n Groot dank aan Kevin Kleinman, wat die oorspronklike Diasporial gidse waarop hierdie lesse gebaseer is geskep het. -
Part 1 – Signing up
Part 1 – Signing up
Deel 1 – Registrasie -
Signing up to diaspora*
Signing up to diaspora*
Registrasie by diaspora* -
Welcome to our “Getting started” guide. If you’ve found your way to this page, you’ve probably either just signed up to diaspora* or you’re thinking of doing so. In this series of tutorials we’ll walk you through the sign-up process and get you acquainted with the basics of how diaspora* works. We hope you find it useful, and that you enjoy using diaspora*!
Welcome to our “Getting started” guide. If you’ve found your way to this page, you’ve probably either just signed up to diaspora* or you’re thinking of doing so. In this series of tutorials we’ll walk you through the sign-up process and get you acquainted with the basics of how diaspora* works. We hope you find it useful, and that you enjoy using diaspora*!
Welkom by ons "Begin" gids. As jy jou pad na hierdie bladsy gevind het, het jy waarskynlik óf net registreer by diaspora* of jy dink om dit te doen. In hierdie reeks tutoriale sal ons jou deur die registrering proses neem en jou met die basiese beginsels van diaspora* vergewis. Ons hoop dat jy dit nuttig vind, en dat jy diaspora* geniet! -
Finding a pod
Finding a pod
Vind 'n peul -
Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyone’s data, we can’t give you one specific link and say: “Sign up here.” diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is <em>decentralized</em>, with many different points of access. Before getting started, you’ll have to decide which of these points, or nodes, you want to use to access the diaspora* network. We call these nodes “pods.”
Unlike most social networking sites, which have a central hub of computers which store everyone’s data, we can’t give you one specific link and say: “Sign up here.” diaspora* is different from those networks in that it is
, with many different points of access. Before getting started, you’ll have to decide which of these points, or nodes, you want to use to access the diaspora* network. We call these nodes “pods.”In teenstelling tot baie sosiale netwerk-webwerwe, wat 'n sentrale punt van rekenaars het wat almal se data stoor, kan ons nie vir jou 'n spesifieke skakel gee nie en sê: registreer hier. diaspora* verskil van daardie netwerke in dat dit<em>
, met baie verskillende punte van toegang. Voordat jy begin, sal jy moet besluit met watter diaspora* verskaffer jy wil registreer. Ons noem hierdie verskaffers "peule." -
The word “<strong>diaspora</strong>” refers to the dispersal of seeds (or people) over a wide area. That’s why our motif is the dandelion, and the asterisk in our name represents a fluffy dandelion seed. We refer to individual accounts on diaspora* as “<strong>seeds</strong>,” and the servers in which those accounts are collected as “<strong>pods</strong>.” You’ll get used to it soon!
The word “
” refers to the dispersal of seeds (or people) over a wide area. That’s why our motif is the dandelion, and the asterisk in our name represents a fluffy dandelion seed. We refer to individual accounts on diaspora* as “<strong>
,” and the servers in which those accounts are collected as “<strong>
.” You’ll get used to it soon!Die woord "diaspora" verwys na die verspreiding van sade (of mense) oor 'n wye gebied. Dit is hoekom ons motief die paardebloem is, en die sterretjie in ons naam verteenwoordig 'n wollerige paardebloem saad. Ons verwys na individuele rekeninge op diaspora* as "<strong>
sade</ strong>
", en die servers waarop die rekeninge ingesamel is as "<strong>
." Jy sal daaraan gou gewoond raak! -
To help you choose which pod is best for you, have a look at our %{wiki_link} to help you.
To help you choose which pod is best for you, have a look at our %{wiki_link} to help you.
Vir help om te kies watter peul is die beste vir jou, bekyk ons %{wiki_link}. -
guide to choosing a pod
guide to choosing a pod
gids oor peul kiese -
You might have received an invitation to join diaspora* from someone you know. If so, this contains a link to the diaspora* pod on which the person who invited you is registered. If you want to join to the same pod as them, you can simply follow the link in the mail. However, you don’t have to be on the same pod as your friend to communicate with them. You can choose any pod you want as your home and talk to people throughout diaspora*.
You might have received an invitation to join diaspora* from someone you know. If so, this contains a link to the diaspora* pod on which the person who invited you is registered. If you want to join to the same pod as them, you can simply follow the link in the mail. However, you don’t have to be on the same pod as your friend to communicate with them. You can choose any pod you want as your home and talk to people throughout diaspora*.
Jy mag dalk 'n uitnodiging aan diaspora* van iemand wat jy ken gekry het. As dit so is, bevat dié 'n skakel na die diaspora* peul waarop die persoon wat jou uitgenooi het geregistreer is. As jy wil hê om aan te sluit by dieselfde peul as hulle, kan jy eenvoudig die skakel in die e-pos volg. Maar jy hoef nie op dieselfde peul as jou vriend te wees nie om met hulle te kommunikeer nie. -
You will always sign in to diaspora* on the same pod with which you first registered. From your pod you can connect to the whole network and your experience of diaspora* should be more or less the same no matter which pod you are connecting from. You will not be able to sign in to another pod, but there is no need for you to do this anyway.
You will always sign in to diaspora* on the same pod with which you first registered. From your pod you can connect to the whole network and your experience of diaspora* should be more or less the same no matter which pod you are connecting from. You will not be able to sign in to another pod, but there is no need for you to do this anyway.
Jy sal altyd by diaspora* aan meld by dieselfde peul waarmee jy geregistreer het. Van jou peul kan jy met die hele netwerk verbind, en jou ervaring van diaspora* sal min of meer dieselfde wees wat ook al peul jy gebruik. Jy sal nie aan 'n ander peul kan meld nie, maar daar is geen rede vir jou om dit in elk geval te doen nie. -
Registrasie -
Once you have chosen a pod, find the <span class="click">Sign up</span> link. It should be right there on the home page of the pod. If there is no “sign up” link, it might be that this particular pod is not currently accepting new registrations. You can check this by visiting the pod’s statistics page (add <code>/statistics</code> to the pod’s domain name in the URL bar). If registrations are closed on this pod, you’ll need to choose another pod.
Once you have chosen a pod, find the
<span class="click">
Sign up</span>
link. It should be right there on the home page of the pod. If there is no “sign up” link, it might be that this particular pod is not currently accepting new registrations. You can check this by visiting the pod’s statistics page (add<code>
to the pod’s domain name in the URL bar). If registrations are closed on this pod, you’ll need to choose another pod.Sodra jy 'n peul gekies het, vind die<span class="click">
Registreer</ span>
skakel. Dit moet net daar op die tuisblad van die peul wees. As daar nie 'n "registreer" skakel is nie, kan dit wees dat hierdie spesifieke peul nie tans nuwe registrasies aanvaar nie. In hierdie geval, moet jy 'n ander peul kies.